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*Yoongi POV*

"What?!" Taehyung yelled at me. "How do you expect us to get that much money before tomorrow?!"

I pinched the bridge of my nose. "I have no idea, but they have her." I covered my face.

Taehyungs voice softened. "Her?" he asked. "Don't tell me they have-"

"Heaven." I sighed feelings the tears burning my tear ducts. There was no way I was just let them kill her like that.

Taehyung nodded his head and covered his face. "All of this over a damn company contract? You've got yourself in some deep shit."

I felt a tear run down my cheek before quickly wiping it away. "I know, but I'll figure out something."

*Heaven POV*

The two guys were still arguing about me. "Shut up okay! Give me a minute to think!" the guy with brown hair shouted.

The red haired voice responded. "There is no thinking, it's just doing. He owes us that money."

Shit. Are they gonna kill me if Yoongi doesn't get the money? I swear to god Yoongi get your shit together. Why the hell am I always getting kidnapped!?

The door flew open and the guy with red hair stepped inside. I held the knife tightly in my hands. "How the hell did you get out-"

"Shut the fuck up! Let me go!" I screamed shaking out of fear. He walked closer to me. "Stay back!" I yelled but he just kept walking. I lunged towards him and cut his shoulder. "Get the fuck away from me!"

He held his shoulder and winced in pain. "You little bitch." he looked at me then grabbed my wrist making me drop the knife and he twisted my hand behind my back and pushed me against the cold cement wall. "You're gonna pay for this." He whispered into my ear, gripping tighter into my wrist.

It was extremely painful and I couldn't feel my fingers or even move my hand at all. "Ah!" I cried out in pain.

He grabbed my other hand and put it behind my back before tying them back together again. He turned me around to face him and narrowed his eyes at me. "If you think about escaping again I'll shoot you."

I narrowed my eyes back at him before kicking his shin and spitting in his face. "Asshole!"

He groaned in pain before gripping a hand around my neck and pushing me up against the wall. "Yoongi chose a feisty one." he chuckled. "If you don't cooperate with me I'll do more then just tie you up. Got that?"

I couldn't breathe. I couldn't move either, I quickly nodded my head and I dropped to my knees rapidly gasping for air. I coughed up a little bit of blood before swallowing and finally catching my breath.

"Get up. We have a plane to catch." he ripped me up from the ground. I pulled down. "Stop fighting me! "He yelled in my face. "Be a good girl or I'll make it worse for you." he paused to look at me up and down. "You're not exactly an ugly picture."

I looked at him terrified before feeling tears run down my cheeks. I obeyed him and stood up as he pushed me out the door. There were 6 other boys sitting on a couch. They all looked at me and the red head guy. "Joo-" one of them spoke.

"Shut up! Don't use my name idiot." the red head spoke. Joo? The beginning of his name is Joo... Why can't I know his name? Does Yoongi know his name? I stayed quiet, afraid of what he would do to me. "Its time to go, the plane leaves in an hour." he spoke to them.

Why do we have to get on a plane? Where are we going? Min Yoongi where are you?

*Yoongi POV*

I called everyone to meet me at Taehyungs house. Eventually everyone got there and I explained everything. "What do you expect us to do?" Jungkook asked. "We don't have 10 million dollars."

"They only have heaven? Not Maggie?" Namjoon asked.

I nodded my head. "This is an issue between me and them, but I'm just asking for help." when I was done talking my phone started ringing. I quickly answer it and it was him...
"What do you want?" I spoke through the phone.

"Well that was a dumb question, I think you know what I want...but, you're gonna have to meet me somewhere." He spoke through the phone.

I groaned. "Where?"

"L.A." he chucked.

My eyes went wide. "But we have a show in New York tomorrow."

He spoke quietly. "Not my problem but your pretty little girl friend is becoming one..." he gritted his teeth.

"She won't give up easily." I smirked. "She is like me."

"Annoying." he growled.

I narrowed my eyes. I was silent as he kept talking. "Lets hope she stays silent so she doesn't get hurt now..."

I gripped the phone. "Don't you Fucking hurt her!" I screamed out.

"It's all up to her..." He chuckled before hanging up.

I threw the phone across the room. Anger filled my entire body. I need to get the money. I rapidly tapped my foot in the floor and took in a deep breath. "We need to go, now." I say standing up.

Namjoon stood up and grabbed my arm. "Go where? We don't have the money."

I snapped my head at him and tore away from his grip. "We have to somehow! I have to have it by tomorrow and we are meeting somewhere in L.A." I spoke. I covered my mouth with my hands and paced around the room. "There's gotta be something we can do."

Taehyung cleared his throat and sighed. "We can go back to what we used to do for money."

Everyone was silent and we looked at him. "No Tae that's not a good idea, look at our career now." Jin shook his head and looked at the ground.

"I don't know what else to do, that's the quickest way to earn that much money in a day." Taehyung said. "I can call them up right now-"

"Don't be stupid! We can't be doing that anymore!" Hoseok yelled. "Everything is different than it was 5 years ago."

I was silent before speaking. "No, that's a good idea, think about it." I looked at them. "There is no other way we can make that much money in such a small amount of time."

Hoseok quickly snapped. "But the last time we did that Jungkook almost died, we swore-"

"I don't care about what we swore...call them." I nodded my head and swallowed hard. "Call Zico."

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