Chapter 4

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At the same night, at the mayor's house, Stephanie didn't sleep at all.

Instead of dreams, all she had in her mind were memories of her parents.

She started to turn in her bed and calling in her sleep.

"Mom!! Dad, don't go!" she shouted so loud, that she woke up Milford.

He rushed to her room immediately.

Huffing, he asked "Stephanie, are you alright?!"

Stephanie sat up in her bed as her uncle lit up the light in her room.

"I miss them so much, but I'm also confused since I have just found out that I'm adopted." She said to him while a tear was running on her cheek.

"I know, Stephanie," her uncle said, "but you must remember that you still have a family that loves you no matter what." He kissed her on her forehead and they hugged each other.


At 6:30AM, Sportacus woke up to find out that he was alone in bed – and that made him freak out.

He jumped out of bed and rushed down the stairs just to find Valeria sitting the living room, watching TV.

"Vale..?" he asked her a little confused.

"Oh, hey, good morning." She replied.

"How come you're already awake?" Sportacus was still confused.

"Woke up at 4:30AM." She answered.

"Really? Why?" he asked, now a bit worried.

Valeria sighed, "You really wanna know?" she looked at him and he nodded.

"Well, I was thinking." She began to say, and then paused.

"About what?" he asked concerned.

"About Stephanie and her uncle, how do we tell them that... we might be Stephanie's real parents. I don't think I could handle this." She told him, taking a sip from her coffee she made earlier.

"Look, everything is going to be alright, trust me. First we'll go to Milford and talk to him and explain him. Then, he will go and tell Stephanie, and then, if she agrees, we will do the DNA test." Sportacus tried to calm her.

"Ok... Well, since I'm already awake, I think I'll go get dressed." She said as she got up from the couch.

"Great, I'll make us breakfast meanwhile." He smiled at her.


After breakfast, around 8:00AM, Sportacus and Valeria were getting ready to leave the house and talk to the mayor.

"Are you ready?" he asked as he opened the door.

"No." she replied and went out the door with him.

On their way to the town hall, the couple met Stephanie.

"Good morning, Sportacus and Valeria." The pink-haired girl greeted them.

"Stephanie, what a coincidence! We are on our way to meet your uncle. But it seems that you are in a good mood." Sportacus smiled at her.

Valeria didn't say anything, but the only she could was staring at Stephanie's golden bracelet.

"Yeah, a little." Stephanie nodded. "I'm going to play basketball with the others."

"Well, don't make them wait for you!" he told her and she ran off.

Valeria was still in her trance even after Stephanie left.

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