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Hi guys. I am having a lot of stressful things happening but anyways, Hope you like this chapter. IT WILL BE REALLY IMPORTANT FOR THE FUTURE OF THIS STORY!!!! Have fun reading it...


Wendy's POV


I see my big sister, Alice talking to Johnny. He is pretty cute. I run in front of Alice and start to climb the tree. Suddenly I hear a crack coming from the treehouse and I fall from the tree. I see everything in slow motion. I see my sister and Johnny, talking... I see Johnny's best friend.




His name started with an A. I believe. I smile as I fall, when I hit the ground, everything goes black... I wake up in a hospital. The nurse tells my mother and my sister. I cry with them.

(End of flashback)➗➗➗➗➗

I wake up to my alarm. I liked it better when Alice woke me up. Its been so long since she's been gone. I walk downstairs and smile. I see my favorite breakfast, Bacon, Eggs (Sunny-side-up), pancakes and a big glass of Fruit Punch! I gobble it all down and my parents start to look at me with that look in there eyes...




"Wendy? We have to tell you something" My mother speaks in her soft tone

"Alice's boyfriend (Jamie) and Sierras brother (Jordan) have also gone m-m-missing.." My father stumbled. He never stumbled. I run upstairs and smile. I start to climb out of the window...


John's POV

I still remember the day when Alice's little sister ruined everything ... I was talking with Alice when her sister just had to fall out a treehouse and nearly die... I was all my fault apparently. If I hadn't been talking to her than she wouldn't of fallen.

I look through the camera in Alice's room. She's sleeping, so is Sierra.

I can't believe that Alice doesn't remember me. I was her old boy friend when we were like ,I don't know, 14/13. I walk up the stairs and into Jamie and Jordan's room. It's my baby, not Austin's, not Jamie's, It's mine, all mine..

Time to prove another lesson...


So you like, love or hate :( lol. Night. Their is probably lots of spelling mistakes. I'm so tired...



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