- Chapter 1/ part 2 - The beginning

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2 days of school have passed by, 2 more to go and finally, weekend will come. Like I thought it would be, presentations and stuff but I'm starting to take this year with some positivity. I mean it's just senior year, everything is gonna be fine. There are a lot of new students this year too.

The final bell rings, I get out of school and wait in the stairs. It was a little windy today, so I took a jacket just to keep me warm enough until I get home. I take it out of my bag and wear it.

While putting my hands in my pockets, memories of this summer flash in my mind. It was so great. Most of the summer, I was with Matt doing crazy stuff all the time, and then I went away for vacation with my big family. I still can feel the smell of the beach in my nose. It's to hard to forget something amazing, it's so hard...

"What's going on in that little mind of yours?"-Matt hugs me from behind and I jump in surprise. I turn around to face him-" About the great time I had this summer"- I say and he nods humming.

He takes my bag while carrying his and puts it in his shoulders. He's such a gentleman. "Well thank you Mr. Genovesi"- I say giggling at him. "Ow no love, all pleasure is mine"- he says in an Italian accent. We both laugh and start walking towards the car.

"So what are your plans for today Ms. Forbes?"- he says while opening the door for me. Once we both get in the car and hit the road I speak-"Nothing much actually, going home, study, then nothing, lay in bed all day and admire how great my ceiling looks"

"So nothing special today then.."- he says with a smirk. Ow I recognize that face, he's up to something. "Yeah I just told you..why? What's on your mind?"-

He lowers the volume of the music- "Uhm..well, first we are gonna travel the world, then flash our cameras every second of the trip, because you don't like to miss anything from life, don't you Mrs.Forbes?"

I giggle-"Oh I sure don't Mr.Genovesi." He's smiling with his hands on the wheel and his head on the road.

"No but really, what's up in that little mind of yours?"- I say teasing him.

-"DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN, DON'T REPEAT MY WORDS!!!" He says serious and when he catches my reaction with opened eyes he laughs so hard-

-"I'm joking, you should see your face" he continues to laugh and we both laugh until I arrive home.

I can't believe I bought that, he was so damn serious, but then changed immediately. I go upstairs giggling, take a shower, finish my homework and stare at the ceiling.

After 20 minutes of starring, dinner is ready so I go downstairs and help mom set the table.

I was so used to always have full chairs in the table and now one is empty, Josh's. God I miss him so much.

While my twin brothers are always talking and talking, mom is feeding my baby sister Maia and discussing with dad about his internship at his work, I remember the car ride with Matt today.

What was he going to tell me? What's he up to? I struggle to make out my mind about what's he gonna do!

After doing the dishes and helping mom with the chores, I go to my room and lay down in my bed.

It's 8:35 PM as I get my phone to text Matt and my mom calls me to put Maia asleep. I groan and leave my phone at my bed.

My sister just started walking, and things get way more complicated than they were before. So my parents need some time off, I'm their savior I guess.

I feel proud and so great when my sister is asleep within 5 min.

I go to my room again, throw myself in bed and take my phone to text Matt. When I look, I have 2 missed calls, and 1 text message from Matt. Awesome. I go to my inbox

*Beloved Ms. Forbes, since you had nothing to do today..well tonight, please accept my invitation coming with me and look at the stars until they fade from the sky. Yours truly Mr.Genovesi*

I can totally hear the smirk and the Italian accent in his voice and I end up laughing.

Wait what? I dial his number and call him. He answers on the second ring.

-"What is this?" -I say giggling.

He breathes-"I guess that's a yes, fear not Ms.Forbes I'm coming to your rescue"- he says in a heroic voice.

-"What rescue Mr.Genovesi?"- I laugh.

-"Okay enough of this Mr. & Ms. crap. Just be ready I'll be there in 2 minutes"- we both laugh and hang up the phone.

He is so spontaneous at doing stuff.

I don't know what to wear though. I go to the mirror and see my reflection. My hair is naturally great, so I just put it in a messy bun, the only thing is my outfit. I put my black jeans, a pink hoodie, white sneakers and I'm all set to go. Not exactly, I take a jacket just in case it's cold and go downstairs.

"Mom I'm going out with Matt, don't wait for me"-I say to my mom-"Okay sweetie, have fun"

-"Yeah Like that's gonna happen"- I say in a slow voice groaning and pushing my imagination in the back of my head.

Surprisingly my mom is watching another episode of "Friends" even though she's seen it a million times, "it's still my favorite" she says.
I don't know why I'm so nervous about telling her I'm going out with Matt. I mean we go out all the freaking time so it's not a big deal.

-"Mom I'm going out with Matt, he just texted me. He will be here anytime now"-I say full of confidence.

I kinda like this new Alex. I wait for her response, but she's so focused on the TV screen, so I have to repeat myself again.

-"Mom did you hear me?" -nothing again, she's so focused and starts laughing with monkey Marcel.

-"MOM!"- I yell at her laughing and throwing my hands in the air.

-"Ow I'm sorry honey, what did you say? I just can't stop laughing no matter how many times I've seen this"

As I try to speak there's a knock at the door. My mom gets up and goes straight down the hall to open the door.

-"Ow hey Matt, come in"- I hear her say still laughing.

I jump in my feet and go straight to the door.

-"Good evening to you to Ma'am" he says chuckling

-"Alex are you ready?" Matt tells me with a questioning glare in his face.

-"Ready about what?-my mom says with her fingers at the corners of her eyes. She laughs so damn much!

"Alex and I are going out, won't be anything special, just watch the stars until they fade from the sky, and see how the sunrise makes a pink sky"- I gulp as he continues

-"Don't worry, she's in good hands"- he finishes with a big smile in his face as he touches my shoulders and pulling me closer to him.

Did my mom hear him? Cuz she is still giggling.

-"You kids have fun, dont be out to late"- and disappears shaking her head giggling, after planting a kiss on my check.

"So are you ready Ms...I mean Alex?" - Matt makes a weird and brighter smile as he takes my hands in his.

I still am in shock from my mom, but smile big and squeeze his hands in mine. That's Matt's cue to run towards the car and start the little adventure he has planned.

This is so different, but still exiting! Music fills the car and we both hum to our favorite songs. I roll down the window and let out my hand closing my eyes. It's such a great fealing. The fresh air going through my hair, and the lights passing by, it's just amazing.

"So where are we going?"- I finally ask minutes later. He turns his head facing me, hands on the wheel-"You'll see" he turns to face the road with a smile.

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