- Chapter 1/ part 6- The fall

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Alexes POV

Shhh...I'm here...I'm here...

Too bad it's just a dream...imagine if it was real. His arms around me, holding me close to him and never letting me go. His hands touching my hair, his voice healing my pain and his presence moving my whole existence...

Why is this so hard for me to accept tho?? He's my best friend, and yet here I am, thinking about him and wanting him close to me more than anything. I don't understand it, and I don't want to understand it. But still...I know that there's something that pushes me to think about him the way that I do and I don't get it...

I don't want to go to school today, I feel sick to my stomach and I can't clear my head.
What I do is fall asleep again and try to picture what I saw in my dream, and hope that it was real...


All I hear are noises and voices all over the place. Once I open my eyes, surprisingly its a little dark.

How many hours did I sleep??

I check my phone and its 7 pm. Woah! I am surprised how mom or dad didn't come to wake me up.

I move out of bed and all of a sudden I feel dizzy..I go downstairs and the house is quiet. Mom is cooking, dad is reading, the twins are in their room doing whatever, and Mia is sleeping.

-"Hey honey do you feel better now?"- mom says and I'm confused.

-"Better? What do you mean? Why didn't you wake me up?" - while I finish she comes and touches my forehead.

-"Oh well I didn't wake you up, because you had a fever and I thought it was best you didn't go to school today. I came to wake you up, but you didn't respond, so I came in to check on you. But I can see that the fever has passed, you just need to rest for a while that's all"- she kisses my forehead and continues to cook.

I still feel dizzy so I go to my room and throw myself on my bed. I take the pillow and throw it in the air several times..until I spot something. Blood.

What??? Did my nose bleed??

I check my nose in the mirror, I check my blouse. Nothing. I go downstairs -" Moooom??? Did my nose bleed??"

-" Well I don't remember, but maybe it has. Why?" -she asks and I'm still confused.

-"Because there's blood on my pillow Madre"- I say annoyed.

-" Well then your nose must've done it, it's nothing to worry about" -she says while I go to my room.

I don't remember anything! How is the pillow filled with blood??

While I think this I spot the blanket having blood too!

WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE???? Did I get my period or something? I go to the bathroom and check myself. Nope, I'm clean as snow.

How did I get blood all over the place?? Wait...maybe the twins must've done it since they being so damn quiet.

I go to their room and open the door-" Did you pull a prank on my room by spreading blood all over the place???" - their eyes open wide and start laughing.

-" I'm not laughing!! So you did it then! Well y'all better clean that mess cuz I ain't" - I leave slamming the door.

Stupid twins. They pick the wrong time to prank. Besides I'm the one that does the pranks around here!

I change the sheets even tho I said the twins would do it, and put on clean ones. I still don't get it how they did it!! Once I'm done, I check my phone and I have a text message from Matt.

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