- Chapter 1/ part 5 - The longing

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Matt's POV

I'm not your One and Only...-these words go over and over in my head.

-"Of course you are, you just don't know it yet" - I laugh with myself and get in the car.
I just wanted to see what she was doing, why was she so surprised to see me? I used to go to her garden all the time when we were kids, we would do all kinds of stuff. My imagination and hers are POW! You wouldn't resist it. It just amazes me! Me and her, we're perfect for each other! Just look at us! I look at myself in the car mirror -"Mr. & Ms. Gennovesi....uu that sounds PERFECT!"- I laugh with my crazy but maybe possible ideas and just drive back home.

It's almost dark so my siblings are asleep. I check the time on my phone and its almost 10. I park the car, and I notice from outside that the TV is on.

-"Dad....."- that's all I manage to say.

I get in and try not to pull attention to myself. All I want to do is get upstairs and stay away from this hell.

-"Matteooo, ma sei a casa finalmente"- dad says, and I can smell the alcohol in his mouth miles away. I don't wanna talk to him at all. All he does is destroy stuff and just drinks all day, like a stupid lunatic.

I make my way upstairs and I jump in fear from the shattering of the alcohol bottle.

-"I'M TALKING TO YOU BOY! ANSWER ME!" -dad yells and trips with his feet all over the place making a total mess.

-"YES, yes I'm home dad, I'm home!"- I'm just frozen here, looking at him rolling around in pain, and tripping everywhere. It makes me sick that I've come in life from him, just look at him. He isn't my dad, he's just a crazy drunk man who only cares about himself and only himself.

-"Matt....help your father..."- he says still laying down.

As much as I want to help him, I can't make my legs move!

-"Matt....please help me....help...me...."...

My heart is racing so fast because I know what's coming.

-"YOU'RE NOT A MAN! YOU'RE A FUCKING COWARD! YOU ARE NOT MY SON! IF YOU WERE, YOU WOULD MOVE AND HELP ME! GET OOOUT! GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!" - he tries to take other bottles of alcohol and throw them to me.

Mom is crying out my name from her bedroom, telling me to be safe and to get out. Begging me to go away from him, but I just can't leave her here, I can't just leave my other siblings here!! He's a monster! All we know of him is just fights and drinking!

-"MATT, please get out of this house and get safe NOW!- mom is crying now. I shouldn't have come here, I don't wanna come back here, like at all. I don't wanna be in this place.

As soon as I make my way out, he grabs me and punches me.

-"STOP! DAD!"- I don't wanna punch him, he's not himself, he's just drunk! I don't wanna hurt him!

-"You stupid coward. You can't help your own father huh??"

-"DAD STOP!" My face is numb. All I can feel is that I'm thrown in the glass table and there's broken pieces of glass everywhere.

-"MADDONA MIA! BASTA VINCENZO!"- mom tries to stop dad but he doesn't listen.

I can hear her, and I can taste his alcohol in my breath. I blink and still the only light that's on its the light of the TV. My back hurts, and I can barely move.

-"Stop it! He's just a kid STOP IT!" As soon as mom says these words he hits her and pushes her in the ground.

-"Get away woman! I'm the man! He has to learn to obey to me! Isn't that right Matteo? Huh???"

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