Chapter 1

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*Jewel POV*
Yes! Today's the concert.
Hi I'm Jewel Hernandez. I'm 22. Today I'm going to a for king and country concert. I'm pretty excited. I get ready then leave to the venue. When I get there I end up being two hours early. I get out of my car and go up to the door.
"Sorry ma'am the doors aren't open yet" a guy says
"Benny let her in. It's okay. Any fan who shows up this early should be allowed in this early. Just no more fans in after her. We don't need it to crowded" I hear
"Alright. Do you have your ticket" he asks
I give him my ticket and he lets me in. I go inside and walk to the front. I sit down and watch this band I've never seen before.
"Hello there" I hear, the Australian accent coming clearly
I turn next to me and see Joel and Luke Smallbone.
"Hi" I say
"Wow you're pretty calm" Luke says
"Eh. Who's the band practicing right now" I ask
"That's Anthem Lights." Luke says
"Would you like to come backstage" Joel asks
"S-sure. Am I allowed" I ask
"Of course" Luke says
We stand up and the show me to backstage. We get back there and I see Courtney, Mariah, Jude, and Pheonix. Also some other ladies and one is holding a little baby.
"Ladies this is Jewel. Jewel I'm pretty sure you know those four people these four are Fallon, Stephanie, Kelsey and her son Emmett. Once the guys get back here we'll introduce you to them and which lady belongs to who" Joel says
All of a sudden three guys come backstage.
"Guys this is Jewel. She showed up 2 hours early for the concert so I decided to let her come in and backstage." Joel says
"Hi. We're Anthem Lights." A tall blonde says
"I'm Caleb. The tall blonde is Chad. The other tall one is Spencer and I don't know where Joey went" Caleb says
"I assume you met our wives or for Spencer's case girlfriend" Chad asks
"Yeah sort of" I say
"Fallon is my wife. Kelsey is Caleb's and Emmett is his son. Steph is Spencer's girlfriend." Chad says
"Where is Joey" Luke asks
"I think he's still out on the stage" Spencer says
*Joey POV*
I hear a noise and see Like coming on stage. He comes and sits on the edge next to me.
"What's wrong Joe" he asks
"That girl back there she beautiful. Just taking one glimpse at her and I thought she was pretty. But I don't want to let her in my life then just end up leaving" I say
"Hey man it's ok. I understand what you're going through. I went through the same thing." He says
"I know you did. But I've had this ever since I was 17 and I don't know how to deal with it." I say
"It's okay Joey. We're all here for you we'll help you through it. Now come on. The fans are going to be coming in soon. Come on back stage." He says
We get up and go backstage. I get back there and see the girl Jewel talking with Steph, Fallon, and Kelsey. Yep. Spencer who is 20 has a girlfriend and me who is 23 doesn't.
"Jewel this is Joey" Luke says
She turns around and her facial expression from happy to scared changes pretty quickly.
"D-don't hurt me. I'll do anything just d-don't hurt me" she says
I walk off and go sit in a far corner of the room. From there I watch all the guys comforting her and talking to her. She starts crying and Joel wraps her in a hug. Joel and Luke then start singing quietly to her.
"Come on Joey we have to go perform" Chad says
"I don't feel good" I say
"As in you feel like you'll fall over or headache" Caleb asks
"Both" I say
"Ok. We'll perform just us three tonight. Just go lay down on the couch and try to get some sleep" Chad says
I nod my head and they go out on stage. Luke hands me my headphones and I go over to a couch that no one is on. I lay down and shut my eyes shortly dosing off.
*Jewel POV*
I stand off on a corner where I can see the boys performing but the other fans can't see me. I look to the side of me and see Joel.
"Where's Joey" a girl asks
"Joey not feeling good today. So it's just us three. But he'll be okay" Spencer says
They start the concert and three songs then pause for a bit. This is our last song tonight before the main attraction comes out. But this is a special one. We sing this at the end of every concert. It's dedicated to Joey. Even though he can't hear us he always needs to remember to fight forever. God is on his side. We are on his side. You fans are with him. He is not alone in this" Caleb says
They start singing and I really like this song.

They finish the song and the crowd cheers.
"Now please welcome the two Australian brothers who swear they're half American but there's nothing American about them except that they live in America. Joel and Luke from For King and Country" Spencer says
They run off the stage as Joel and Luke run on.
"You guys were good" I tell them
"Thanks" Spencer says
"I'm gonna go check on Joey" Chad says
"What's wrong with Joey" I ask
"That's not for us to say. He needs to tell you himself and when he's ready to tell you." Caleb says
I nod and pay attention to the concert. It's getting close to the end of the concert and Joel starts talking.
"We just recently had a women who's in her 20's talk to us and tell us that she was kidnapped and raped. We aren't going to use names because that should be a secret. But this happened actually two months ago. She still suffers from flashbacks, people who look like the kidnapper and so much more. This is serious stuff and most people don't think it happens often but it does. Remember ladies your priceless. And guys treat ladies like they're priceless. With respect and chivalry. It might've died out for all men but there can still be a group of guys who have it. Because they know it's right to do." Joel says
"This next and final song priceless goes out to the girl and any other girl who has been in the same position" Luke says
They start the song and by the time they get to the chorus tears are streaming down my face.

I hear footsteps and I look over my shoulder to see Moriah coming over to me. She pulls me into a hug and I cry into her shoulder. I hear the fans cheering and clapping then Luke and Joel come backstage. They see me and wrap me in a hug.
"Your priceless" Joel whispers
"Where did Anthem Lights go" Luke asks
Moriah whispers in his ear and he nods.
"I should get going" I say
"Why don't you give us your number and we'll stay in contact. You can contact us whenever" Luke says
I nod and we exchange numbers. I thank them and go out to my car. I get in and drive home. I get in my pajamas and head to bed.
*Joel POV*
Once Jewel leaves we go out to Luke's van and get in.
"I'm gonna drop Courtney and the kids off then we'll head over" Luke says
"Can you drop me off at home as well" Moriah asks
"Why don't you two just spend the night" Courtney says
"Ok. Thank you" I say
We get to Luke's and help get the boys to bed. We kiss our wives goodbye and goodnight then go out to my car. I start the car and drive to the hospital. We get there and go inside. We go in and see all of them sitting there.
"Any news yet" I ask
"No" Chad sighs
"What happened exactly. We didn't hear the full story because we were talking with Jewel." Luke says
"Well it was the same thing as last time except this time he had a really high fever. We were told to bring him in if it was above 101. It was 108" Chad says
"I never asked. Does his mom and dad know about this" I ask
They all go silent and we instantly realize why.
"We're so sorry" I say
"No it's okay. Joey started in the band when he was 16 almost 17 and right before his birthday his parents were on their way out here when they got hit by a tractor trailer. They died instantly. The only family he has left is his two brothers and he doesn't really see them because they both moved to Arizona when they turned 18. But Joey was to young to live by himself and he was already living with me and my wife so we took custody of him. He still won't get his drivers license and sometimes won't get in the vehicle because he'll have flashbacks about hearing the news. He thought it was his fault for a whole year. No matter what we told him" Chad says
"Joseph Patrick" we hear
The three guys stand up and go over to the doctor. After a few minutes they come back over.
"They're keeping him here for a couple days. Only two people can stay with him. Caleb I suggest you go home so you can get Emmett to bed and he can get normal sleep. Steph and Spencer you haven't known Joe long and neither have you Luke and Joel so Fallon and I will stay with him" Chad says
"I would argue but I know you won't budge" Caleb says
He goes over to where Kelsey is asleep in a chair and gently wakes her. He takes Emmett from her and gently guides her out.
"Did someone contact Alan yet and let him know about this" Spencer asks
"Caleb texted him on our way over. Alan said he might come over tomorrow. He isn't sure" Chad says
"Ok. Come on Steph let's go" Spencer says
They leave.
"Joel we should probably head home. Apparently Pheonix woke up and Courtney can't get him back to sleep." Luke says
"Alright. See ya Chad. Keep us updated" I say
We head out and get in the car. I drive to Luke's and we go in. Luke goes to help with Pheonix and I go up to the guest room. I climb in next to Moriah and drift off to sleep.

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