Chapter 3

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*Jewel POV*
It's 10:45 in the morning and I'm sitting in my living room with Luke and Joel.
"So what did you need to talk to us about" Joel asks
"Oh um I was wondering if you think I should try talking to Joey again or just hang out with him about until he trusts me" I ask
"I think you should definitely hang with him more" Luke says
"But be careful what you say to him" Joel says
"Alright. Thanks" I say
"Was that it" Luke asks
"Yeah" I say
"Alright. Call us if you need anything else" Joel says
I walk them to the door and watch them drive away. I close the door and call Joey.
Je-hi Joey this is Jewel
Jo-oh hi Jewel what do you need
Je-I was wondering if you want to hang out again today
Jo-um well I'm at the studio right now but if you want you can come and then we can go for lunch around 1
Je-ok just text me the address
Jo-Wait do you need someone to pick you up
Je-I can walk
Jo-no send me your address and I'll have Kelsey pick you up
I hang up and text him my address. Ten minutes later there's a knock at my door. I open the door and see Kelsey.
"Hi Kelsey" I say
"Hey" she says
I close my door and lock it and follow her to her car.
"Thanks for picking me up. I'm not getting my car back until tomorrow" I say
"No problem. Anything for Joey" she says
She starts the car and drives off. We get to a building and she parks the car.
"Go ahead in and tell Caleb to come out here would ya" she says
I nod and go inside.
"Hey Jewel" the guys say
"Hey. Caleb Kelsey wants you. She's outside" I say
"Alright" Caleb says
He goes outside and I take his seat at his desk.
"What are you guys working on" I ask
"Nothing really just odds and ends" Spencer says
"You and joe can head to lunch now if you want" Chad says
"Alright. Thanks Chad" I say
"Thanks Chad" Joey says
We get up and go outside just as Caleb is coming inside with Emmett in his arms.
"Kelsey is still outside of you want ride before she goes and hangs out with Fallon." Caleb says
I look over at Joey and he seems a little hesitant.
"I think we'll walk" I say
"Ok" Caleb says
We get outside and start walking.
"So where should we go for lunch" Joey asks
"Doesn't matter" I say
"Ok. Chick fil a it is" he says
"Alright but I'm paying" I say
"No I can't let you do that" he says
"Too bad" I say
We get to chick fil a and go in. We order and then we race to pay. I grab twenty dollars from my wallet and give it to the cashier. She smiles and gives me my change back. I grab the tray and walk to a table with Joey following me. We sit down and Joey gives me twenty dollars.
"I don't want this" I say
"Too bad. I'm not taking it back" he says
"You know this is only the second time I've seen you smile since I met you" I say
"When was the first time" he asks
"When Jude saw you" I say
"Jude makes anyone smile" he says
"He does. Do you know how old Emmett is" I ask
"Only a couple weeks" he says
"Hey now the smiles gone. Why" I ask
"Because... never mind" he says
"No tell me. I want to know" I say
"It's just that I haven't held Emmett yet. Part of it is because we've been busy but the other part is something else." He says
"What's the other part of it" I ask
"That's for a different day. What did you want to talk about? It looks like there's something on your mind" he says
"I had a doctors appointment yesterday after the park" I say
"Oh how did it go" he asks
"It was good I actually found something out" I say
"What" he says
"I-I'm pr-pregnant and I d-don't know wh-what to do" I cry
He gets up from his chair and comes over to me. I stand up and he hugs me.
"Hey it's alright. Everything will be alright" he says
"What do I do Joey. I don't even know who the father is and whoever the father is they don't deserve to be the father. I don't know what to do" I cry
"For one keep the baby. Don't do an abortion or give it up for adoption because if you did you'd end up hating yourself. Second don't worry about who the father is. Just have the baby and be the best mother you can be and everyone will be there to help and support you" he says
"What about you" I ask
"Hopefully I'll still be around" he says
"What is that suppose to mean" I ask
"Nothing. Forget I said that" he says
We finish eating in silence and throw our trash out then walk back to the office. We go inside and Joey goes straight to his desk. I sit on the couch and Chad comes and sits next to me.
"Do you want me to drive you home" he asks
"I'll walk" I say
"At least let me walk with you" he says
"Alright" I say
We get up and head outside and start walking.
"What happened today" Chad asks
"I don't know. Everything was fine on the way to lunch but then we got talking and he was saying he hasn't gotten to hold Emmett yet and that he might not be around much longer. I asked what he meant by that but he just shut down afterwards" I say
"He's going through a lot of stuff right now and he's gone through a lot already. He's very quiet and sensitive about it" Chad says
"Ok." I say
We get to my house and before I can go in Chad stops me.
"Give him time. He'll open up." He says
"Yeah" I ask
"Yeah" he says
I go inside and to my room. I pick up my book I've been reading and continue reading it.
*Joey POV*
Chad comes back a little later and sits back down at his desk.
"Why didn't you tell her" he asks
"I wanted to. I really did but then I got nervous. I really like her Chad. I know I just met her and I barely know her but I really like her. I just don't us to get to close to each other because no one knows what's gonna happen" I say
"Joey you just have to have faith. Let things happen. Don't avoid things" Chad says
"God has a plan for all of this. Just give it all to him" Spencer says
"Do you want to hold Emmett" Caleb asks
"Can I" I ask
"You deserve to hold him when he's little" Caleb says
"Ok" I say
Caleb comes over and passes Emmett off to me. Just as I look down at Emmett he looks back up at me and smiles making me smile.

I continue working as I'm holding Emmett and listening to him making bubbles

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I continue working as I'm holding Emmett and listening to him making bubbles.
"Joe" I hear
I look up and see the guys looking at me.
"What" I ask
"It's 5:30. It's time to go home" Chad says
"Oh ok" I say
I hand Emmett over to Caleb and grab my stuff. Chad stands up and grabs his stuff as well. We go out to his car and get in.
"Can you just take me to my house" I ask
"You sure" he asks
"Yeah. Don't worry I'll be fine. I just want to be alone" I say
"Ok" he says
We get to my house and I get out and go in. I put my stuff down by the door. I go sit in the couch and think about lunch. I grab my phone out and call my doctor.
J-hi it's Joseph Patrick
D-oh Joey how are you
J-I'm good. I ended up in the hospital again a couple days ago
D-did they figure anything out yet
J-No but I didn't have a question
J-I just need to know if you think I'll get better at some point
D-I believe you will but the question is do you believe you'll get better
J-I don't know. I want to but there's part of me doubting it
D-well stop doubting. Leave all your worries with God
J-ok. Thank you
I hang up and text the guys.
J-I think I'm gonna tell her
Ch-what that you love her
J-no about me being sick
I then text Jewel.
Jo-I'm sorry about earlier
Je-it's fine
Jo-um can we meet up again at some point
Je-well I have work tomorrow
Jo-ok. How about tonight. You could come over for dinner
Je-or how about you come over for dinner
Jo-alright I'll be there soon
I put my phone in my pocket and grab what I need, put a sweatshirt on, and leave. I get there in about twenty minutes. I knock on the door and Jewel opens it shortly after. I go in and she closes the door.
"Is that stroganoff I smell" I ask
"Yeah. I didn't know what you like and I knew you couldn't have dairy so" she says
"Well it smells really good" I say
"Come sit down because it's ready" she says
I nod and follow her to the kitchen.
"What would you like to drink" she asks
"Water please" I say
She nods and gets water for both of us then sits down. She prays then we start eating.
"This is really good thanks" I say
"No problem. So what did you want to talk about" she asks
"Um so this morning remember when I said hopefully I'll still be around" I say
"Yeah. What did that mean" she asks
"I'm sick and not the normal stomach bug sickness. I mean really sick. I've had this sickness since I was 17 and they don't know what it is. I've been to multiple doctors and hospitals. Had many tests done and they still don't know what it is. All the doctors tell me I'm not going to make it or I'm going to die soon. All but one. And that's my doctor" I say
"Is that what happened at the concert" she asks
"Yeah. I had a head ache and was dizzy. I ended up passing out." I say
"It just sounds like a normal illness" she says
"I know and that's what the doctors say but it not because it happens all the time. Practically 24/7" I say
"You know what I know this really good doctor. I'm pretty sure I could pull some strings and see if she could figure out what's wrong" she says
"Maybe. Let me think about it. I just have been to so many and I'm getting annoyed with it. And they've all put me on so many medicines and I'm not sure if they're even doing anything" I say
"Joey you need to calm down. You're stressing and that's not good. Just take deep breaths." She says
I steady my breathing and finish eating. When we're done eating we clean the dishes then go to the living room.
"Joey you look exhausted why don't you just spend the night" she says
"No it's fine I should get home" I say
"Come on Joey it's late at night and you're exhausted." She says
"Alright but Chad will be picking me up early in the morning because we have a concert" I say
"That's fine. Now go upstairs to the bedroom on the left and get some sleep" she says
"Alright" I say
I get up and go upstairs. I go into the room and close the door. I get in bed and quickly drift off to sleep.

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