Chapter 19

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(Epilogue) <2 years later>
*Joey POV*
I wake up and look at the clock. It reads 3:30. I get out of bed and go down the hall to the nursery where our newest addition to the family is crying. Yep that's right Jewel had a baby. Amulya is now 3 and the new baby, another boy, is almost 6 months. His name is Quinton Kenneth Patrick, or Quinn. I walk in and as soon as he sees my face he stops crying and smiles at me. I pick him up from the crib and change his diaper. Once it's changed I carry him back to mine and Jewels room and lay down with him on my chest.
"Chad and Fallon are coming over today." She mumbles
"I know. They aren't coming till after his morning nap" I say
"Is Amulya still asleep" she asks
"Didn't check up on him but I can if you want me too" I say
"Will you? I'll hold Quinn" she says
I pass him over to her and get up. I look at my phone and see that it's 4 in the morning. I go to his room and quietly open the door. I peak my head in and he's still sound asleep. I close the door and go back to my room. I go in and Jewel is back asleep. I climb into bed next to her and fall back asleep again. I wake up again a few hours later due to extra weight on my chest. I open my eyes and see Amulya sitting there.
"Hi daddy" he says
"Hey bud. What time is it" I ask
"Huh" he says
I look at my phone and it's now 7:30. Guess I have to get up.
"Alright let's go get some breakfast. Grandma And grandpa are going to be coming over later" I says
He nods and climbs off the bed. I get out of bed as well and put him on my shoulders. We go downstairs and to the kitchen. I set him in his booster seat and go over to the counter.
"Daddy can we have pancakes" he asks
"Sure" I say
I make the pancakes and then cut up a few for him with a little bit of syrup knowing he'll get it everywhere.
"Alright buddy I'll be right down. Daddy is going to wake up mommy and Quinn" I say
He nods and keeps shoving his face. I laugh and shake my head as I go upstairs. I go to my room and over to the bed.
"Jewel baby. Time to wake up" I say
"No" she mumbles
"And to think that you've always been the morning person" I mumble
"Go away Joseph" she says
"What's wrong baby girl" I ask
"I wanna sleep" she says
"Alright but remember Chad and Fallon are coming at noon" I say
She nods her head and gets cozy again. I take Quinn in my arms and go downstairs. I go to the kitchen and make a bottle for him. I feed him the bottle then set him down in the swing.
"Daddy I'm done" Amulya says
I turn to him and of course he has syrup everywhere. I take his plate and fork to the sink then grab a wet cloth. I wash his hands and face then throw the cloth back in the sink. I grab the carrier and place Quinn in it then pick Amulya up careful not to get syrup on me or Quinn.
"You know buddy there seems to be a lot more syrup on you then I put on your pancakes. Why is that" I ask
"Syrup" he smiles
"Did you climb out of your seat and grab more syrup" I ask
He just smiles and nods. I shake my head and laugh. I go upstairs and to the bathroom. I turn the water on to fill the tub then go to the nursery. I grab the baby swing from there and take it to the bathroom. I place Quinn and that then Amulya in the tub. I carefully wash his hair then his body making sure I get all the syrup off. I take him out of the tub and wrap him in his towel and drain the tub. I pick him up and then I also pick Quinn up. I go to Amulya's room and set them both down carefully on the floor. I finish drying off Amulya and help him get dressed.
"Daddy I wanna choose your clothes today" he says
"Buddy whenever you do that I look silly" I say
"Please" he asks
"Alright fine but let me lay your brother down for his nap first ok" I say
"Ok" he says
we go to the nursery and I lay Quinton down in the crib. I then pick Amulya up and go to my room. We get in there and Jewel is still asleep. I place home on the bed and he attacks her.
"Hey baby boy" Jewel whispers
"Hi mommy. Daddy is letting me pick his clothes today" he says
"Who picked your clothes" she asks
"Me. And daddy" he says
"Ok. Now go pick some clothes for daddy" she says
He scrambles off the bed and runs over to me. I pick him up and take him to my dresser. I open my t shirt drawer and he just shakes his head.
"Closet" he says
I set him down and he runs to it. He opens the door and goes in.
"This one daddy." He says
I look what he's pointing to and it's the same shirt he's wearing and that I put on Quinn this morning.

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