Chapter 4

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*Jewel POV*
I wake up early to the sound of throwing up. I get out of bed and go to to the bathroom to see Joey throwing up. I quickly text my boss saying that I can't done in today and go over to Joey. He finishes and leans back against the tub. I grab a wet cloth and give it to him.
"You ok" I ask
"Yeah. Can you go get my phone for me" he asks
I nod and go grab it. I go back and give it to him. He starts texting then gets a call. I walk out to give him privacy and go to my room. I get dressed then go downstairs. A few minutes later Joey comes downstairs.
"You alright" I ask
"Yeah. I told Chad and that I couldn't perform. He's said that he'd cancel the show but I told him to do it and I'll just stay here with you. It's okay if I do right? Wait no you have work" he says
"It's ok Joey. I already texted my boss and told him I couldn't come in. He understands. He's like a father figure to me" I say
"You didn't have to do that" he says
"It's alright Joey. Now do you want something to eat" I ask
"Um sure" he says
"What would you like" I ask
"Just some scrambled eggs I guess" he says
"Ok. Do you want anything to drink" I ask
"Water please" he says
"Alright. Go ahead and sit at the table" I say
He nods and sits down.
"You know the offer is still available" I say
"I don't know" he says
"Come on Joe" I say
"Just give me time to think about it" he says
"Ok. I just want to help you out" I say
"I know and I'm sorry about being quiet about all this but it's just hard for me" he says
"It's alright" I say
I finish breakfast and go over to the table. I set the plates down then sit down. Joey prays and we start eating. After breakfast we go out to the living room.
"Alright so I have to go get my car and then I'll be back. You can lay on the couch watch tv and try to get some rest" I say
"Alright. Thanks" he says
I leave and head to the shop to pick up my car.
*Joey POV*
Jewel leaves and I lay on the couch. I pull my phone out and call Chad.
Ch-hey joe what's up I've got you on speaker
J-hey guys
S-what up
Ch-was there an important reason you were calling us
J-I need wisdom
Ca-about what
J-Jewel knows a doctor and she thinks the doctor will be able to find out what's wrong. Every time I go to the doctors I'm told they'll figure out what's wrong and they all tell me they don't know. How am I suppose to know it's different this time
S-follow your heart
Ch-have faith. I'm pretty sure this doctor could help. Maybe this one will be able to help you. Always see the glass as half full Joseph not half empty
J-alright. Thanks guys. I'll probably tell her when she gets back from picking up her car
Ch-alright see ya
J-yeah. Good luck today
I hang up and close my eyes hoping to get a short nap in.
$  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $ 
I wake up some time later to a noise in the kitchen. I sit up and see Jewel in the kitchen.
"Hey Joey. Sorry I woke you. I was putting the clean dishes away" she says walking over to the couch
"It's fine" I say
"How are you feeling" she asks
"Ok. Pretty much same as this morning which is crappy but my head ache has gotten worse." I say
"You want some Tylenol" she asks
"Sure. I should probably take my temperature as well" I say
She goes upstairs and returns with pills and a thermometer. I take my temp then the Tylenol.
"What was your temperature" she asks
"100" I say
"Ik. Do you need anything else" she asks
"I'm willing to go to the doctors" I say
"Alright. I'll text my friend and see when she has an opening. Just to warn you it's about an hour away so you'll have to be in the car" she says
"That's fine. I'll probably try to sleep" I say
"Ok. I'm gonna call my friend." She says
She walks into the kitchen and I turn on the tv. A few minutes later Jewel cane back in.
"She said she could see you as soon as we arrive so whenever you want to leave" she says
"Alright we can go now I guess" I say
"Ok." She says
We go to the car and I get in front. She starts the car and I soon fall asleep. I'm woken up later on by Jewel seeing that we're here. I get out and we go inside. As soon as we get in jewel goes up to a person and hugs them.
"Joey this is my friend michelle. Michelle this is Joey" Jewel says
"Alright. Well Jewel sorry but you got to stay back here. Joey why don't you follow me." Michelle says
I look at Jewel and she nods. I follow michelle and we go to an exam room.
"Alright so I'm going to run a few tests and see if I can find out what's going on" she says
I nod and do whatever she asks of me. When she's done with the tests I go back out to the waiting room to wait for the results.
"You ok" Jewel asks
"Yeah. Why" I ask
"You just have a solemn look on your face" she says
"No I'm good. Just tired and my head aches back" I say
"I can give you more Tylenol when we get back to my house" she says
"Can we actual go to the concert. The venue is near here and the concert is at 7. But the guys are there already" I say
"Joey" she says
"Don't worry I'm not gonna perform. I just want to be there to watch and maybe sit in the crowd and talk with fans" I say
"Fine" she says
A few more minutes and then michelle comes out.
"Alright so I have the results. Why don't we go to my office. Jewel can come too if you'd like" michelle says
I look at Jewel and nod. She smiles and follows behind me and michelle. We get to the office. Jewel and I sit in front of the desk and michelle sits behind it.
"Did you find anything" I ask
"Actually I did. I also know why the other doctors couldn't find them" she says
"What is it" I ask
"Well I did some tests the other doctors didn't. You actually started out with a virus but very quickly got lymes disease so when you were treating the virus you weren't treating the other sickness so it grew but you didn't think anything was wrong. The doctors just thought it was nothing because everything you were describing seemed like abnormal cold to them. But then as the lymes disease grew and wasn't being treated it got worse and you developed a small version of cancer. It hasn't really spread but the thing is that we can't treat both things at once. We can either treat the cancer or the lymes." She says
(Pretty sure this is impossible but oh well. It's called a fan fiction for a reason)
I stay silent and look at the ground.
"Which is gonna be quicker to treat" Jewel asks
"Well at the rate the cancer is spreading and how small it is it might be easier to treat but that's not always the case and the treatment is hard. But lymes disease is treated through antibiotics" she says
"Joey I can't make this decision for you. Which do you want" Jewel asks
"I don't know. I don't know" I repeat over and over
"Joey let me tell you this the lymes you've had for a while will be hard to cure but the treatment will be easy. I will place you on two antibiotics. One you'd take in the morning after breakfast and the second at night after dinner. Treatment for cancer will be more rigorous. We'd have to take it week by week" michelle says
"Alright. I'll take the antibiotics. How long should that take" I ask
"A couple weeks to a couple months. You'll come back every two weeks just to see what's going on" she says
"Ok" I say
She gives us a prescription for the two antibiotics then we thank her and leave.
"Thank you Jewel" I say
"No problem Joey. I'm glad I could help you" she says
We get in the car and I tell her how to get to the venue.
"It's 5:30. The guys should just be hanging out right now. They have sound check from 6-6:30" I say
"Ok" she says
We get out and go in through the back entrance. I find the guys sitting on the couch all on their phones or laptops. I go over to Spencer and Chad who are on their phones and jump on them.
"Joey" Spencer groans
"Joseph get off" Chad says
I get off and sit on the other couch next to Caleb. Jewel comes and sits next to me.
"What are you doing here" Caleb asks
"Well I was done with the appointment and I didn't want to go home and we were close to the venue so I asked if Jewel could bring me here. I decided I would sit with the fans and talk with a few of them." I say
"Ok. So how was the doctors appointment" Chad asks
"It was ok. I'll tell you all the details tomorrow at the office" I say
"Alright. Well we've got to head to sound check" Spencer says
They finish sound check and come back.
"Alright I'm gonna head out. I have work tomorrow. I trust you guys will take Joey home" jewel says
"Yep" Caleb says
Jewel heads to the door but I go after her.
"Hey" I say
"Yeah" she says
"Thanks again" I say
I kiss her cheek then go back to the guys.
"What was that" Chad asks
"Hope." I say
"Alrighty then" Spencer says
"Well we better get going." Caleb says
All four of us pray and they go on the stage while I go to the crowd. I get out there and start walking in the outside. I find an empty seat in a middle of a row. I put my hood up and go to the seat.
"How are you all doing tonight" Chad yells
The girls scream
"Where's Joey" someone yells
"Well he's not feeling well so he isn't performing tonight but he is in the room somewhere. Let's see who can find him first" Caleb says
The guys laugh as all the girls are looking around.
"Joseph my main bro hasn't anyone told you it isn't polite to wear a hood inside" Spencer asks
"Yes but I do it anyways" I say
"Alright so since none of you can find Joey let's start singing" Chad says
The music for top of the world starts and the attention is off of looking for me. I take my hood off and look next to me. There are two girls just smiling at me.
"Hey" I say
"Hey Joey" they says
"Why didn't you girls say where I was" I ask
"Because it looked like you didn't want to be bothered and surrounded by a bunch of wackados." The one says
"Why thank you. You are more sincere then those three" I say
"Eh" the other girl says
"What are your names" I ask
"I'm Brooke I'm 13 and this is my younger sister Blaire she's 10" Brooke says
"Well it's nice to meet you girls." I say
We turn our attention to the concert. It's really different being in the crowd instead of onstage. Once the concert is over people start filing out. Brooke and Blaire are about to leave but I stop them.
"Hey the guys aren't doing a meet and greet tonight but do you want to meet them" I ask
"Are we allowed to" Blaire asks
"Duh" I say
I grab their hands and we get through the crowd.
"Joey. I didn't see you here" jimmy says
"Hey jimmy I need to get back to the guys. I also have two ladies who'd like to meet them. They sat with me during the concert" I say
"Alright. Hello ladies" jimmy says
"Hi" they laugh
Jimmy lets us through and I lead the girls backstage.
"Hey guys" I say
"Hello Jospeh" Spencer says
"What's with him" I ask
"He's mad you wore a hood inside" Caleb says
"Eh he'll get over it" I say
"Uh Joey who are the girls" Chad asks
"Oh right. Guys this is Brooke who is 13 and her younger sister Blaire who is 10. They were sitting next to me during the concert. They have some very interesting stories." I say
"Hello Brooke. Hello Blaire" Chad says
"Do you two have a favorite" Spencer asks
"Sort of" Brooke says
"I do" Blaire says
"Alright who" I ask
"Emmett" Blaire says
"See Chad I told you we should of made Emmett a member of the band" I say
"No" Chad says
"Yes" Caleb, Blaire, and I say
"Caleb do you really think Kelsey would like that" Spencer asks
"Oh well" Caleb says
"Alright Brooke who's your favorite" I ask
"Cb" she mumbles
"What" Spencer asks
"Caleb" she says
"Finally someone loves me" Caleb says
He goes up and hugs her.
"Alright Caleb let the poor girl go." Chad says
"And people do love you" Spencer says
"Who" Caleb asks
"Your wife and son" I say
"Oh yeah them" Caleb says
"Um thanks again Joey for bringing us back here but we've got to go our mom is waiting for us" Brooke says
"Alright. Bye girls" we say
They leave and I help the guys clean everything up. We go to the van and get in. We get back to the studio and Caleb and Spencer leave.
"So how did it go" Chad asks
"I said I'll tell you guys tomorrow" I say
"Alright. You wanna ride" he asks
"Uh I guess" I say
We get in his car and he drives off. He pulls up in front of my house and I get out. I go inside and go up to my room. I get in bed and drift off to sleep.

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