{Jack Frost x Reader}

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A little seven year old girl sat on the swings in the cold park during the winter alone. She was an outcast for believing in things that didn't exist. Everyone told her that Santa Claus wasn't real, the Easter Bunny didn't exist, the Sandman was just a fairytail, the Tooth Fairy was actually your parents and Jack Frost was just cold wind, but she never believed them. "(Y/n)! There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you. Auntie May has been worried sick!" The little girl looked at her cousin. "Sorry I was just waiting for Jack." The boy sighed. "He's not real (Y/n) and you know this. Just grow up already."

~8 years later~
It had been eight years since you saw them. Jack broke his promise, Santa never listened, Easter Bunny never left eggs for you to hunt, Sandman didn't leave good dreams like he use to, Tooth Fairy stopped taking your teeth. You started to stop believing in them. Your only friend was your cousin though you still felt like an outcast. "(Y/n) a few of us are going to a Christmas party, would you like to come?" You shook your head sitting on your bed looking out your window. You rarely left your room since that day. You felt betrayed and never wanted to feel that way ever again. "Alright. Don't forget when you go outside to put on something warm." You looked at your cousin. "Don't worry John. Go have fun." You smiled at him. He nodded and left. Your smile faded as he left.

"She looks so sad." Tooth looked at North. They were all at the North Pole getting ready for Christmas. "She was our biggest believer. Maybe we could-" North shot Tooth a look. Jack watched sadly as the girl he had grown to care about slipped through his hands. "Now Tooth. You know we can't interfere." Tooth looked down sadly. Bunnymund looked at the others annoyed. "Either way she'll hate us." Sandman made different symbols above his head trying to gain everyone's attention. While they were arguing Jack seemed to disappear.

You had left your room wearing your pjs which consisted of an over sized t-shirt that was blue with a rainbow snowflake on it, that your cousin got you, and some baggy basket ball shorts that were black. You didn't grab a coat when you went outside because you didn't get cold as often as others and the cold didn't really bother you all that much. You had your hair up in a loose bun. "Look it's the freak!" You saw a couple of kids looking at you. You ignored them as you looked towards the sky. "Who threw that?" You looked at them as a snowball hit on of them in the head. You looked around for the source of it and saw someone you never thought you would ever see again. "Jack..." He looked at you and winked. You blushed and looked at the ground. Soon you felt a cold hand on your wrist. You looked at it then looked at who it belonged to. Jack smirked a smirk you hadn't seen in a long time, but knew exactly what it meant. "Jack don't." You pulled away from him, but he wrapped an arm around your waist and floated up. You clung to him while glaring at him. He took off towards the sky. You squeaked as you close your eyes and bury your face into his hoodie.

Jack landed on the ground in North's workshop. "Jack! What are you thinking bringing her here?!" You open your eyes and look around. You saw a tall man that looked like Santa, a huge bunny man, a fairy lady, a little man that looked to be made of sand. "Calm down North. Everything is fine." You looked at Jack confused. He smiled at you. "(Y/n) do you remember us?" You turned your gaze to the only other female in the room. You shook your head. "Sorry miss, but Jack's the only one I remember." You heard an annoyed grunt come from the bunny. "Why am I here? I thought you didn't care anymore." You looked at Jack sadly. He felt his heart break seeing the sad look. "Jack you brought her here without permission. I will-" You glared at North. Your normal (e/c) turned golden as your (h/c) hair turned to a light sliver. "You will do nothing North. You have failed with protecting the moon's daughter. She is unaware of her true potential so her protector will now be Jack Frost for they are meant to be together in the near future. If you fail me again you will be replaced." Your hair and eyes went back to normal as you blinked some. They all were staring at you. "That was different." You felt Jack wrap his arms around your waist. You blushed and glanced at him. "You're mine now." Your blush got worse. Jack smirked and kissed your cheek. "No children anytime soon you two." Your face became bright red from that comment.

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