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Jax pulled the truck into the driveway, grabbing a bouquet of flowers off the passenger seat he walked up the steps.

Being the the first morning getting all the kids up and out the door alone was a success on his part.

Walking into the house he felt something was off, he expected Jackie to be awake by now considering it was almost ten. Setting the flowers down on the table Jax walked towards the stairs, drawing his gun Jax walked up the steps slowly and down the hall, hearing muffled sounds coming from thier bedroom he heard Jackie crying

Opening the door Jax was greeted with a shot gun against his temple

"Make one move and I'll blow your brains out. Drop the gun" Jason said

Jax looked at Jackie who was tied to the chair, her mouth was duct taped and she had bruises forming all over her arms and legs

Jax placed the gun on the floor

"Let her go man" Jax said raising his hands

"Nah, she's coming with me" Jason said

"Jason just let her go. You two are done and over with" Jax said

"No we aren't, we were going to get back together until you showed up and swept her off her feet" Jason said

"I didn't sweep her off her feet I needed her help that's it" Jax said

"Oh yeah then why is she wearing lingerie?" Jason asked

"Because she was I'm not sure dude I was dropping kids off" Jax said

"Where's my daughter?" Jason asked

"She's mine and she is somewhere safe" Jax said

"She's mine" Jason said

"You wanna take a paternity test? Cause that kid is mine" Jax said

"I want her and Jackie to come back to Texas" Jason said

"Not happening man, they are happy here leave us be" Jax said

Jason dropped the shot gun to his side and fell to his knees Jackie standing behind him with a lamp in her hand

"Get him the fuck out of my house" Jackie said tossing the lamp to the side and going into the bathroom

After Jax had called Charming PD and had Jason removed and Jackie gave them her statement she sat on the bed waiting for Jax to return upstairs

"Babe are you okay?" Jax asked

Jackie looked up at him her face stained with tears

"I was sure he was going to kill me" Jackie said

Jax crawled into the bed next to Jackie and held her in his arms as she cried

"Your safe now he's not gonna be back" Jax said

"He said alot of hurtful things Jax" Jackie cried

"Don't listen to what he said babe. Your with me no one is going to hurt you" Jax said

"Do you really love me?" Jackie asked

Jax cupped her face and looked deep into her eyes

"The way i feel for you Jackie is unexplainable it's like when I'm not with you all i can think about is you, the way you look at me, the way you treat all the kids. The way you make me feel safe and knowing that now we're in this together and your not going to just walk away. I love you with everything I have and can give I never thought I'd be able to love again but you changed that for me, you changed me" Jax said

"How did I change you Jax I'm still the same person I was all those years ago" Jackie said

"Because you always brought the best out in me, just the little things you do" Jax said

Jackie smiled at Jax "if you didn't come home when you did I'd probably be dead" Jackie said

"I'm sorry, I really am I should of woke you up to take the kids" Jax said

"I was dressed all sexy for you too now I feel disgusting" Jackie said

"Babe no matter what your doing your going to look sexy" Jax said kissing Jackie


Jax dropped Jackie off at the grocery store while he went to pick up the kids from school, figuring it would be easier for her to shop alone rather then with all the kids

After picking Thomas up first Jax waited for Logan and Abel in the truck

"Hi dad" they both said getting into the truck

"Hey guys how was school?" Jax asked looking in the rearview mirror

"Good where's mom?" Logan asked

"We gotta go pick her up at the store" Jax said waiting for them to buckle up

"Dad, is Jackie my mommy now?" Abel asked

"If you want her to be bud or you can just call her Jackie" Jax said

"I do she makes good breakfast for us" Abel said

"Just ask her okay? I'm sure she will really happy" Jax smiled

"It will make me happy too" Abel smiled at his father


While placing the kids plates on the table Jackie called for everyone to come eat

"Jackie I have a question" Abel said sitting down

"What's that dude?" Jackie asked

"Can I call you mommy?" Abel asked

Jackie placed her hand over her heart and smiled

"Of course Abel" Jackie said

"Good, daddy said you would be happy" Abel smiled

"I am happy" Jackie said sitting down next to Jax

"I think we should tell them" Jackie whispered to Jax

"Tell us what?" Logan asked

"We are getting married" Jax said

"Like you and my other mommy did?" Abel asked

"Yes son" Jax said

Abel threw his hands up in the air

"Yes! We're all going to be Tellers!" Abel yelled

"Mommy is the only one who isn't a Teller" Logan said

"Soon she will be then we will be one big happy family" Abel said

"Are you excited mommy?" Logan asked

Jax looked at Jackie who smiled

"Of course i am, why wouldn't I be?" Jackie asked

Logan leaned over towards her mother "because of everything Jason did" Logan spoke quietly

"Let's not talk about that right now okay?" Jackie said


Jackie sat on the bed with wedding magazines spread across the bed, felling extremely overwhelmed. Her life had changed so much over the past six weeks. Even though getting married in less then a week she was not prepared at all, she still didn't have a dress or a dress for Logan, there where no bridesmaids. Nothing was picked out she literally had nothing planned. The only thing she was aware of was Bobby was marrying them and the reception was at the clubhouse. No one knew what kind of food was coming or who was even going to be there. Jax had been super busy the last few weeks so getting him to help was completely irrational.

Picking up her glass of wine she had brought up almost an hour ago still sat there, swishing the wine around and taking a small sniff suddenly Jackie flew to the bathroom to empty her stomach, never in her life had she ever gotten sick over the smell of wine.

Oh mylanta I'm sorry guys!!! I've been so busy with moving and unpacking I've had zero time to write!!! Hopefully after this week updates will go back to once a day!!! So bear with me please!!!!! Thanks for reading!!!!

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