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Three weeks later

Jax walked through the halls of the hospital, going to visit little Jax was a daily routine of his, Jackie spent most of her spare time there between the kids and moving in, Little Jax was doing exceptionally better then when he was first born.

Walking into the nursery all of the nurses swooned over Jax like usual

"Hey ladies how's he doing today?" Jax asked

"Good doc said he could go home next week if everything goes okay" one of the nurses said

"That's great news I'm gonna go see my little guy" Jax smiled walking into the nursery


Jackie looked in the mirror, having a baby three weeks ago she still felt run down and tired, even though she hadn't been taking care of him at home. She missed little Jax constantly and wished he could be home with all the other kids.

Something didn't feel right to Jackie, something felt off most of the day. It could just be her hormones that have been going absolutely insane the past few days but she barely saw Jax and it was really starting to bother her.

She heard the door open and close so she walked to the top of the landing at the stairs

"Hey" Jackie said

"Hey babe, so just got some good news" Jax said walking up the steps two at a time to meet her

"What's that?" Jackie asked

"Little Jax can come home next week if all the tests come back good" Jax smiled

"That is amazing news I needed that" Jackie said throwing her arms around Jax

"So I was hoping you'd plan a welcome home party for him so all the guys can formally meet him" Jax said

"Of course but nothing too crazy okay?" Jackie said

"I know babe" Jax said wrapping his arms around Jackie's waist

"I'm gonna take the boys to go see Tara" Jax said again

"Ok, gives me time with Logan" Jackie said

Jax sat with Abel and Thomas at Tara's headstone, Tommy didn't understand what was going on but Abel sat quietly talking to Tara's headstone

"I love you Tara" Jax whispered

Jax and Tara had been through so much together, he often wished that she was still alive. So many unanswered questions he had for her, when he found out she was trying to get out of Charming and get a divorce he was crushed, the only person that truly stuck by Jax when he needed it the most. Even though he loved Jackie his love for Tara would never go away.

After taking the boys to get some ice cream Jax decided he would bring them by the club. Jackie hadn't been there with the kids since she had little Jax

Walking into the club Jax let the boys run over to a few of the patches while he walked over to the bar and got handed a beer. The next few moments felt like they had stopped in time. Jax was frozen on the barstool as the bullets pierced through the windows of the club, Happy threw himself over Abel and Chibs covered Thomas.

When the bullets came to a rest Jax looked over to make sure his boys were alright. Feeling the searing pain that was running through his chest he ran over to his sons and held them in his arms as they cried

"Daddy your bleeding" Abel said trying to get out of Jaxs arms

"I know son. I will be fine" Jax said ignoring the fact he knew he was losing blood quickly

"Jackie boy there's an ambulance on the way" Chibs said as he saw Bobby take both boys in the back dorm rooms so they didn't have to see thier father like this

Jackie got the phone call that there was shots fired at the club and Jax and the boys were there, racing down the street with Logan in the back seat, tears were running down her face knowing that someone was hurt when Chibs said she needed to hurry.

After leaving Logan and the boys with Bobby in the garage learning that Jax had been shot and on his way to st Thomas she was able to get into his room pretty quickly

"Mrs. Teller can I speak with you please" a doctor said stopping her in the hall

"I'm kinda in a hurry here" Jackie said

"It's about your husband" he said

Jackie stood there and looked at him

"The bleeding is to much, he was shot in the chest and it punctured a valve in his heart" He said

"You can't fix it?" Jackie asked as tears streamed down her face

"I can but Mr. Teller has a DNR" the doctor said

"No. I'll speak with him" Jackie said brushing past the doctor

Upon reaching Jax's room she saw him look so worn down and weak, such a strong man all his life was beaten down and broken

"Hey babe" Jax smiled his teeth stained a crimson color

"They are going to fix you" Jackie said kissing his forehead

"DNR babe" Jax whispered

"Change it. Those kids can't lose you" Jackie said

"I love you Jackie, your an amazing mother and I wouldn't have it any other way then for you to raise my children" Jax said

"Stop talking like that. Your going to be fine, you'll be home soon" Jackie cried

"Babe I'm not coming home, I've already lost alot of blood" Jax said

"Jax please" she cried into his hand that made its way to her face

"Please raise them right and get the fuck outta Charming" Jax said

"I love you Jax" Jackie said

"Promise they will know the monster that I am" Jax said

"Never, they will know the strong amazing father who did great things in his life" Jackie said

"I love you Jackie girl" Jax said closing his eyes

A moment later Jackie heard a flat beep, standing up she choked back tears as she held onto her husband's hand for a few moments more.

Closing her eyes a single tear fell from her face and landed on Jax's wedding ring, gently sliding it off his finger she put it in her pocket and kissed his fingers

"I loved you since I was sixteen, you put me through some shit and i hated you for it. But you made me fall in love with you all over again. I will break your promise because your boys and Logan deserve to be close to thier uncle's. I love you" Jackie said letting go of Jaxs hand.

Reborn //Jax Teller//Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon