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Jackie walked through the clubhouse with a sonogram picture in her hand wanting to get back to the prospect who had the kids pretty quickly she was wanting to find Jax quickly and give him the news considering he completely missed the anatomy scan appointment

Upon reaching the door Jackie became hesitant about opening the door. With her hand on the door handle she took a deep breath and opened the door

She smiled when she saw Jax passed out on the bed face down, he had been working pretty hard the last twelve weeks to save for a bigger house before the baby arrived. Sitting on the bed she ran her fingers through his newly cut hair

"Wake up sleep head" Jackie said

Jaxs eyes shot open and he stood up

"Oh my god are we late?" Jax asked adjusting himself

"You were I wasnt" Jackie said

"Really? Babe I'm so sorry I came in here to take a power nap" Jax said feeling like shit

"I knew you were tired it's okay" Jackie said wrapping her arms around his neck

"Is that what I think it is?" Jax asked turning his head to see the sonogram

"It is" Jackie smiled

"And what is it?" Jax smiled trying to take a peak

"Exactly what I thought it was" Jackie said

"What am I gonna do with another girl?" Jax whispered

"Same thing you do with Logan ya goof"Jackie laughed

"Dang and I thought it was going to be another boy" Jax said

"I can't be completely out numbered all the time" Jackie laughed

"I'm sorry I didn't make it today I've just been so tired" Jax said

"Hey it's cool" Jackie said looking into Jaxs eyes

"Are you sure? I don't need you freaking out on me later today because I didn't make it" Jax said

"Nah I'm good, but I do have to get back to the kids though your new prospect is watching them" Jackie smiled

"Well that's one way to patch in" Jax said kissing her

"If they can handle the Teller clan they can handle anything I suppose" Jackie said

"What's for dinner I'm starving" Jax asked

"Dinners still a few hours away so I'm not sure yet whatever your child wants" Jackie said

"She's running my life already" Jax laughed as Jackie walked out of his dorm


Eight weeks later

Jax walked into the house well after dinner and dark, it was probably around four he was guessing he lost track of time and had a few things to take care of and his phone ended up dying

Quietly walking into the kitchen Jax went to switch the light on

"Where have you been?" Jackie asked nearly scaring the shit out of Jax

"Lost track of time and my phone died" Jax said catching his breath

"And you couldn't use the club phone?" Jackie asked

"Umm" Jax said crossing his arms over his chest

"Don't you dare umm me" Jackie said struggling to stand up

"Your supposed to be lying down your on bed rest" Jax reminded her

Jackie knew she was supposed to be on bed rest but that would require Jax to be home to help with the kids

"And your supposed to be here helping me" Jackie said

"I was fucking working Jackie" Jax yelled

"Your seriously going to pull that card? Working for what? If you've been working so hard the last five months then we would been moved out by now and into the new place, the one you promised me" Jackie said

"Your being ridiculous right now stop being selfish, a new house costs alot of money that I don't have with you not working" Jax said pointing his finger at her

Jackie looked at him

"Where's your wedding ring?" Jackie asked

"I left it in my tool box" Jax said

"Bullshit. You never leave it in your tool box" Jackie said

"So what i took it off" Jax said

Jackie raised her hand up "do you see how swollen my fucking fingers are? And mine is still on" Jackie said

"Sorry I don't want to want to wear it" Jax said

"Why?" Jackie asked

"My head isn't right right now Jackie I'm spiraling out of control" Jax said

"So you went and fucked some other bitch?" Jackie asked

"Gotta get it from somewhere" Jax said shrugging his shoulders

Jackie stood there in awe not believing what just came out of Jaxs mouth

"We're done here, I'm going to sleep at the club" Jax said spinning on his heel

"This what you wanted me for? To take care of your kids, knock me up and fucking leave?" Jackie asked

"No" Jax said stopping at the door

"Then what was it Jax? Couldn't handle being a parent alone anymore so you figured I'd just do it for you?" Jackie asked grabbing her stomach as it contracted

"I didn't want to be alone anymore. Because if I was alone any longer I would of driven myself into a semi just like my fucking father. So yeah Jackie I thought I'd be happier but these last few weeks have been hell." Jax said

"Then get out. You wanted these kids outta Charming you'll get your wish we won't fucking be here in the morning" Jackie said grabbing her stomach again

"Don't you dare think about leaving with my kids" Jax said

"They are mine too asshole" Jackie said trying not to show any ounce of pain

"You leave and I'll fucking find you and drag your ass back here" Jax said closing the gap between them

As another contraction came to it's high point Jackie smacked Jax across the face

"Just get out. Leave me alone, you want me on bed rest maybe you should of been here helping me. So just go. Getting your fucking dick wet was more important then your family" Jackie said

"We're done, I'll have all my shit out by noon" Jax said turning around

"Whatever Jackson" Jackie said hunching over as he walked out the door

"Not yet baby girl, I gotta get someone here for the kids first" Jackie said grasping the chair and squeezing as her water broke

"Fuck." Jackie said struggling to walk over to the door as she hadn't heard Jaxs bike start yet

Two feet before she reached the door Jackie fell to the ground in pain, just as she heard Jaxs bike start up and roar down the street

Sorry it's a shortie!!!!! I needed to end it like this!!!! Hopefully I can get another one posted tomorrow!!!! Enjoy and thanks!!!!

Reborn //Jax Teller//Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt