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Staring down at the two pink lines that looked back at her face Jackie looked into the mirror

"I'm fucking pregnant" she whispered

A sudden wave of happiness came over her as she started to cry, quickly grabbing a wad of toilet paper she dabbed her face off, looking at her phone she quickly fixed her makeup as a knock came on the door

"Jackie it's time" Happy said through the door

"Okay I'm coming" Jackie said taking a deep breath and opening the door

"You okay kid? Look a little flushed" Happy said

Jackie smiled back at Happy, the Tacoma killer chose to be part of the wedding, thier ghetto wedding if you will, just a few of the patches showed up as they wanted it as quiet and quick as possible.

"I'm good Happy, thanks for asking" Jackie said

"Gotta keep the bride happy" He chuckled

"I hope you find someone one day Happy" Jackie said touching his arm lightly

"No, I'm set with bitches from the Jelly Bean" Happy said with a devious smile

"Your so weird happy" Jackie chuckled as they walked down the hall of the clubhouse

Chibs was waiting for Jackie as the entrance to the main room

"Ready lass?" Chibs asked as Jackie snaked her arm into Chibs

"Ready and I'll ever be, thanks for doing this Chibs" Jackie said

"Anything for you lass" he smiled

Jax stood in front of the chapel doors nervously, sure he'd been married before but Wendy was a quick thing in Reno and Tara was in a brothel. Now he stood her waiting in the clubhouse that they both grew up in waiting for Jackie to be his wife

Watching her walked towards him with Chibs Jax smiled, knowing in just a few minutes Jackie would be his wife.

Jackie walked closer to him and he noticed she was slightly crying

"Chibs you giving this kid away?" Bobby asked

"Sure am someones gotta do it" Chibs chuckled

"Good" Bobby said pulling his paper from the inside of his kutte

Looking down at the paper Bobby crumpled it up and tossed it over his shoulder

"Jax you wanna marry Jackie?" Bobby asked looking at Jax

"Yeah" Jax laughed

"Jackie you wanna marry him?" Bobby asked

"Of course" Jackie smiled

"Good we got that settled, you guys got vows?" Bobby asked

"Yeah, Jackie I don't even know where to begin. Every since you came back into my life everything has changed for the good, I never thought I'd be able to love again and here I am standing infront of you. I love everything about you but most of all how you have taken Abel and Thomas on as your own since the day you walked into the door. I love you so much babe and i cant wait for us to spend the rest of our lives together" Jax said

"Love used to be such a harsh word for me to say, for the longest time I loved you and I loved you hard but I always felt you never loved me but you did, I loved you for as long as I can remember and i stopped. I gave up trying to compete with others so leaving was the best option. When you walked up my steps i knew i was in a world of trouble welcoming you back into my life but I chanced it. I asked you not to make me fall in love with you again but I did, and I fell pretty damn hard. I love you" Jackie smiled

Jax went in for a kiss but Bobby stopped him

"Hold your horses kid. By the state of California I now pronounce you husband and wife" Bobby yelled

Jax grabbed Jackie's face and kissed her passionately a moment he had been waiting for, for the past few weeks

"Let's get a drink Mrs. Teller" Jax said grabbing her hand

"I can't" Jackie said biting her lip

Jax looked at her confused

"Why can't you? We gotta celebrate" Jax said

"I can't drink anymore" Jackie said

"Jumping on the wagon?" Jax asked

"She's pregnant you idiot" Chibs said slapping Jaxs back as he walked by

"Seriously?" Jax asked raising his brow

"Yeah, I just found out a little bit ago" Jackie said

"We're gonna have a kid?" Jax asked

"Yeah we are" Jackie smiled

"I love you so much babe" Jax said kissing her

"I love you too" Jackie said


Well into the night, Jackie headed home with the kids while Jax hung back to party the night away as a married man, knowing the kids needed to get to bed Jax insisted he went home with Jackie but she wasnt feeling to well and needed to lie down so she told Jax to hang back and enjoy himself

After Jackie put the kids to bed, she decided to take a nice long bath, she felt she deserved it. After drawing her bath water she undressed herself and slid into the tub, hearing the front door open and close she assumed it was Jax coming home even though she told him to stay at the clubhouse

Hearing her name being called as he walked up the stairs he found her in the bathroom soaking

"Enjoying yourself?" Jax asked sitting on the edge of the bathtub

"I am, I needed this but I thought I told you that you could stay" Jackie said

"I know, but it is our first night as husband and wife and you did tell me some exciting news today" Jax said

"I was pretty shocked when I found out I wasn't expecting it" Jackie said

"I was, kinda been hoping for it to happen" Jax said

"Four kids though?" Jackie said

"If I could have ten kids I would" Jax smiled

"Well that's the hard part I don't want ten freaking kids, so better find yourself another baby mama" Jackie said

"I don't need anymore baby mamas three is plenty" Jax laughed

"Three is two many" Jackie laughed

"I can't wait to see you fully pregnant" Jax said reaching his hand in the tub and placing it on her stomach

"I was a house with Logan" Jackie said 

"You'll still be beautiful as ever" Jax said

"That's what you say now till i rip your dick off while pushing your kid out" Jackie laughed

Jax stood up and undressed himself and slid in behind Jackie in the bath, washing her back for her and rinsing he placed kisses all over her upper back

"Better start what you finish Jax" Jackie said

"Don't I always?" Jax smirked

"Yes, and you do a damn good job at it too" Jackie laughed

"I know you can't complain" Jax said

"Never have and never will" Jackie said turning herself around and wrapping her arms around Jaxs neck

"Make love you your wife" Jackie said

"You don't even have to ask" Jax said as he lifted her up slightly and slid his already hardened member deep into her

Reborn //Jax Teller//Where stories live. Discover now