#2 Tyler Seguin-#91 Dallas Stars

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You we're waiting for your boyfriend to get home after a hard fought game against the Anaheim ducks. You wanted to go to the game but apparently when your boyfriend asked for tickets, they were all taken, that hadn't happened in the 4 and a half years that you've been dating him. You told him that you could at least drive him there and pick him up but he objected right away. You noticed he had been acting weird all week but told yourself it was just because playoffs were coming up. It was 11:30, the game ended at 10:00 and it wasn't like Tyler to be late. You thought he had probably met a crowd of fans or something like that. As you we're getting into bed with a book the phone rang. It was Curt Fraser, the assistant coach of the Stars. He said that Tyler was badly hurt and would probably need to spend the night at the hospital, you asked where he was now and he responded that he was laying down in the locker room with doc.

You quickly grabbed your keys and headed to the arena. As you got there some of the boys were leaving, you asked them how he was. They said he was in pain but he'll live, you were so worried, you hated seeing Tyler in pain. You enter the locker room and to your surprise you see rose petals leading to the medical room, you follow them and see Tyler standing in a new suit with that smile that always makes your heart race.You release he's okay "You scared me to death ty" you say, giving him a quick kiss. "What's all this for?" you ask, realizing that no one else was around. He bends down on one knee and says "Ever since I first met you "Y/N", I knew you we're the one, there's something about you that makes me go wild. I love you "Y/N" and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, will you marry me?" You look down into his big brown eyes and nodded your head to say yes as a tear runs down your face.
"Well that was deep and cute" you whisper softly making him chuckle as he slips the ring on your finger. You kiss his cheek while he hugs you tight, as if he'll never let go.


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