#8 Tom Wilson - #43 Washington Capitals

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"Papa! Hi! I missed you!" You exclaimed as you walked in to the house your grew up in. "Hi sweetheart! I missed you too!" He said with a smile, giving you a kiss on the cheek. "Tom, glad to see you're still around" your father said to your boyfriend Tom Wilson, forward for the Washington Capitals, shaking his hand firmly."So am I!" Tom answered with a chuckle, obtaining a gentle whack from you in the chest. You and Tom were in town for the weekend since your cousin has recently been engaged and threw a party to celebrate. You took your jacket off and made your way from room to room, introducing Tom to your relatives and family friends. You small talked with everyone for a while, eating veggies and dip and other snacks that were laid out. The doorbell rang, much to your surprise since everyone who you thought was coming was already here. "I got it!" you announced as you jumped up, running to the door. You ran so fast your sock slipped on the hard wood floor causing you to loose you balanced. A strong arm caught your lower back catching you before you hit the floor. "Gotcha" a voice you recognized as Tom's whispered into your ear, making chills run down your back. You didn't answer however you gave him a quick peck on the cheek before sprinting once again to the door. "AUNT Y/N" your nephew Max yelled, wrapping his arm around your legs in a giant bear once you opened the door. "Nice to see you too buddy!" you said bending down to give him a proper hug. "Ok, Max that's enough, let Y/N go" your brother exclaimed walking in with his wife. "Ya Y/N don't waste all your love on Max, i need some too" your boyfriend said from behind you. Max turned around to see who spoke "Who said th-". Shock. Shock covered the 4 year old's frame from head to toe. "You ok there Max?" you asked. Nothing but a nod. You looked over to Tom with confusion when all of sudden. "NO ONE TOLD ME TOM WILSON FROM THE WASHINGTON CAPITALS WAS GONNA BE HERE! I would've worn my jersey and brought my hat and my stick and my puck and my poster and my pj's...." You your nephew rambled on. "You know who I am?" Tom asked Max. "Well ya! You play hockey for my favourite team!" Max replied still starstruck by the man standing in front of him. "Why are you here anyways?" the little boy asked. "Because I'm here with my beautiful girlfriend Y/N" Tom answers grinning from ear to ear. "I knew aunt Y/N was my favourite for a reason!" Max replied tackling you into a hug once more.

"Hey mom? Have you seen Tom or Max?" You asked entering the kitchen. "I think they went outside to play street hockey or something" she replied making a smile appear on your face. You grabbed your jacket and opened the door. You looked around, but they were nowhere to be seen. "You sure they're out there mom?" you asked again. "Ya ya! I saw them a couple minutes ago." she answered. "Alright" you shot back closing the door behind you. Finally, after walking around the block, you found them playing with other kids from the neighbourhood. You stood there for a bit appreciating the sight of your boyfriend playing with kids of all ages amazed by the Nhl player in front of them. Suddenly, Max who had been struggling the whole time, poked the orange ball out of Tom's reach causing him to look at him stunned. "Watcha looking at, Tom?" Max said with a whole lot of sass. "Oh i see how it is Max. You wanna go?" Tom replied. By now no one was playing hockey anymore and everyone was just looking at your two goofs. "YA PUT EM UP WILSO" Max said dropping his little gloves reaching to grab Tom's shirt, who had bent down to his level. Punches, which were more like little harmless taps, were thrown left and right and Max's giggles filled you ears. It was getting and you were anxious to go back into to eat, even though the scene in front of you was adorable. "Y/L/N, Wilson! Break it up and come eat supper" you shouted, trying to sound like a referee. This caused Max to laugh even harder and Tom to just shake his head. You ran over to Max picking him up, spinning him around. "I'm hungry, now let's go eat, you NHLer" you said to the little boy. Tom finished signing a few sticks and pucks that the boys and girls had brought out and jogged over to the the both of you, grabbing your hand once it was in reach. 

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