#9 Patrick Kane - #88 Chicago Blackhawks

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You looked at your phone, 3:22 am. Your boyfriend Patrick Kane wasn't home yet, you worried about him. He always got home late after games, especially losses but he was never quite this late. Maybe there was another girl? Maybe I'm just not good enough, you though to yourself. You woke up an hour later to the sound of the front door slamming, "Patrick?" You yelled out "what" he said, obviously not in a good mood after the loss but he was never in a good mood anymore. "pat we need to talk" your said "not now "Y/N" I'm tired, I'm going to bed " he replied "not now? Then when? You never have time, we never spend time together ,we barely even talk to each other anymore" you blurted out, he turned around a surprised look on his face "I, um" he didn't say anything "im sorry Patrick but I can't do this, bye" you grabbed your phone and keys and left, you could pick up the rest of your stuff later.

You drive to your best friends house, where you plan to stay for a while. " "Y/N"? It's 5 in the morning! What happened?" "Y/F/N" says letting you into her appartement. You explain everything and the look of surprise on your friends face makes you even sadder. You wake up around noon to an empty apartment, your friend left a note for you saying she was out grocery shopping. You sigh and make yourself breakfast. You turned on the tv and immediately felt pain in your chest when you saw reruns of last nights game and interviews. You turn the tv off. As you thought to yourself about all that had happened your phone buzzed. "Hey Y/N, I was wondering if you could come help out at the convention dinner tomorrow night, we really need some more volunteers:) let me know!" The text was from the Blackhawks charity event organizer. You knew Patrick would be at the convention along with all the team, but since you loved hockey and the association so much you accepted to help out.


You walk into the united center, mentally preparing yourself to see Patrick and probably get questions from his teammates. The event was a pot luck dinner and then autographs and pictures with all the players. You head over to a big room down the hall from the locker rooms where the food is being set up, you help bring out the platters and greet everyone at the doors. Towards the end of the night, You we're showing a young boy and his mother around the locker room and sending them off to Jonathan Toews when your eyes met with Patrick's. He looked good in his suit, as always but his hair was unkempt and his eyes were puffy red, exactly like yours. You quickly turned away, your heart aching. "Y/N" he said you turned around but didn't say anything, he walked over to you ""Y/N" please I need to talk to you please" you couldn't say no, so you motioned him over to talk in the hallway.

"Look I know I don't make enough time for you, for us. And i now that you'll probably never forgive me but you have to listen to me. We're mean to be "Y/N" when I think about my future I see you in it, I want to get married, have kids with you, grow old together. I know I need to find time and I will I'll really try because without you I'm nothing. You can't give up on us, can we please give it another try?" He said. You looked at him, you knew he was telling the truth "look I can't promise anything, but we can give it a try" you said. He smiled that smile that you loved so much and you knew that this wasn't a mistake.


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