4. texts and kisses

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After nice katsudon viktor insisted that yurio  would tell yuuri or else he would.
So eventually yurio told the whole story again and realised he already missed otabek. Yuuri had the same reaction as viktor and was very upset to hear this too. Yurio asked yuuri if he didn't mind moving in with viktor right after the grand prix. Before he knew viktor was being serious about the engagement thingy.  Yuuri smiled and said:
"It's hard to leave your hometown knowing that this time you won't be back but it's okay if you're with the person you want to be with."
Yurio looked down and said:
"I don't know if I want to just leave Russia and move in with otabek so fast. "

"WHAT" yelled both viktor and yuuri. 

"he asked me that you imbeciles. Don't yell so loud you're making me deaf"

"Why did you say no?" Asked viktor. 

"because we started dating today. I'm not even..."

"Not even what?" Asked yuuri.

"Comfortable I guess." It's all just weird shi- "

"But you kissed him" said viktor.

"Yes... I couldn't help it. It's all so messed up. I want to be with him buy I want to keep distance and don't go too far because it makes me feel uneasy,  but at other times I don't want to let go of him.."

Viktor and yuuri looked at each other and Smiled.


Yurio woke up from his thoughts when he heard his phone ringing.


"Yurio! It's me, otabek. Listen the reason why I needed to go home was because of a family issue but apparently it was already solved so if you want to i can fly to you."

"Yes. But come to the airport in Moscow that's closer."

You could hear laughter.

Viktor and yuuri looked at yurio and saw him blushing and smiling.
They never saw him this happy.
"He's so in love" said viktor.
"Just like me" said yuuri, giving viktor a kiss on his check. Viktor smiled.

"OI LOVEBIRDS" yurio yelled.
"You listening? Drive me to the airport in 2 hours. Otabek is coming"

At 9 pm they were driving to the airport to pick up otabek.

Viktor knew there wouldn't be something romantic if they were there so he told yuuri he wanted a snack and they both hid while otabek walked in.

Yurio ran towards him and have him a hug. Otabek looked at him and hugged him back. Yurio looked around, and when he didn't see yuuri or viktor he pulled otabek down to his own height, and kissed him. Apparently he was very happy to see him again because eventually otabek was the one to end the kiss. Yurio clinged on his boyfriend tight when he spotted yuuri and viktor at the vending machine, quickly buying something. They turned around and greeted the boys with enthusiasm. Then they went home.

In the car otabek and yurio were in the backseat. Yurio leaning on otabek when suddenly he felt a hand under his chin. Otabek was looking at him with a questionable look. Yurio looked at him and eventually nodded. Then otabek kissed him. He still didn't want yurio to feel uncomfortable so he'd ask yurio with his eyes. The kiss was less passionate then the one on the airport but that was probably because viktor and yuuri were here now.  Yurio ended the kiss quickly because he heard viktor whistling and looking at them while yuuri fell asleep in the passenger seat. 

"Just watch the road" said yurio.

He leaned back to otabek. He wanted to show him how much he missed him. He placed his hand in otabek his neck after putting otabeks hands around his waist. He was a little unsure, and shy about doing this. But he just missed him so much. Even though it was only a few hours.
Yurio placed one hand around otabek his neck, and played with his hair with the other. While otabek slowly let his hands slide lower.

"AHEM, WE HAVE ARRIVED." Viktor shouted, which scared yurio and otabek. And immediately woke up yuuri.

Goddamnit viktor. Yurio thought while stepping out of the car.
He felt weird. He still felt uneasy but he really didn't want otabek to go again and he wanted to love him while he still could.

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