7. The big suprise

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Yurio woke up an hour or 2 later. It was almost midnight and he felt bad for yelling at otabek. He walked downstairs and saw otabek asleep on the couch. He walked closer and sat in front of the couch on the floor.

"I'm sorry.." he whispered.

otabek woke up. "Yurio? I'm tired my brain stopped working." he yawned.

"Oh. You're awake. Uhm... I'm sorry for getting mad. If you want you can sleep upstairs.." yurio's face got slightly red.
"Sure." otabek walked upstairs half asleep.
Yurio got in bed after otabek and felt otabeks arms around his waist. He turned around and kissed the man. He kissed him back. Yurio pulled away.
"I thought you were so sleepy your brain stopped working? "

"I was. But how can I not wake up from you kissing me" otabek laughed.

Yurio blushed and looked away until otabek kissed him again.
He then lay down and they fell asleep.

The next day yuuri and viktor went to see the house across the street. The house was pretty big, but not ad big as theirs. It had 2 bedrooms, one bathroom,  a living room with open kitchen and a tiny spare room.
"It's great" yuuri smiled. Let's buy it for them! 
"It's amazing" viktor shouted. "We'll take it."

After all the paperwork they went to a furniture store and bought a couch, a TV,  a bed and those kind of things. They got a leopard print couch, and leopard print sheets. And a leopard print lamp
(a lampard ayyye)
And much more.
After everything was set up and ready, they picked up a moody Yurio and confused Otabek, who they dropped off in a random city in Russia. On the way home yuuri said they had a surprise for them, giggling.
They arrived home and Yurio and Otabek saw their suitcases, packed. Yurio looked mad.
"Oi you're kicking me out too?"
"Kind of" viktor smiled. "Grab your stuff and come with us.

They were amazed when the walked into their new house. Yurio looked at it with big eyes, 

"What the..." he said
"Otabek grinned" I think he likes it.

Everywhere, Tigers, and leopard prints.
"And because you weren't able to bring all your clothes, we bought some,  giving yurio two boxes full of  clothes, and shirts with tigers.

He looks at it in awe.
He turned around looking at viktor and yuuri.  And he smiled. The brightest smile he ever smiled. That's how happy he was.  Happier then seeing his grandpa, happier then the time he gave yuuri his grandpas pirozhki, happier then winning the grand prix finals. For the first time he felt people giving him love.

Otabek stayed in Russia and moved in with yurio. Viktor and yuuri lived across the street and send morsecodes with a flashlight when it was dark. Yurio got mad and screamed out of the windows: "piss off! " and got even more mad when they screamed back: "goodnight son we looove you!" Otabek smiled and yelled goodnight back while yurio had already walked away. But he was happy.

This was originally the end but people want me to continue this lmao so I will :)

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