6. madness and break-ins

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After breakfast yurio and otabek went outside. Yurio said he had to get away from those two lovebirds for a while.  It was a silent day. The shops were closed and it was cold so there was nobody outside. Yurio looked around trying to find out if there was someone else nearby. when he didn't see anyone, he grabbed otabeks hand and walked around the town.

"Can you help me with something?" He asked.
Otabek looked at him and said "sure. What is it?"

"I want to sneak in my parents house and grab my stuff."

"Hmm.. okay.  I'll help." Otabek smiled at Yurio,  who's face turned red.


The two arrived at Yurio's old house half an hour later. They noticed there was nobody inside and when they found an open window, Yurio squeezed himself inside and opened the door for Otabek.

They walked to Yurio's room and started to pack all the things his parents didn't.  His laptop, his favorite shirts, and of course, his cat. He also grabbed the ice skates his father gave him, but kept because of what happened.
They got all the stuff for the cat and everything yurio needed. And they ran away. Before yurio went outside he smashed some picture frames and other could stop him just in time before he lit the couch on fire. He pushed him outside and they went back to yuuri and viktor.

When they arrived, the two were watching a movie,  well they put on a movie,  all they did was kiss and gross mushy things. Yurio gagged.
"Oi idiots,  I got my cat" he said.
Makkachin ran towards the cat. The cat was surprisingly,  not scared. Makkachin was nice to the cat too. Viktor stood up and he was just wearing underpants. Yuuri stayed on the couch, covered in probably nothing else but a blanket.
"That's great yurio!" Viktor smiled. 
Yurio released the cat after showing her where the food and litterbox was. They all had lunch and yurio noticed how yuuri and viktor kept whispering things and giggled. Yurio  looked at them in disgust. He yawned, which mad yuuri giggle more and he whispered something to viktor. He almost spit his drink . Then he started laughing and said "wow you're sure yawning a lot yurio... hahahahah.... pffffft you uhh.. probably didn't... hihihi get much sleep last night!"
Both viktor and yuuri started laughing uncontrollably while otabek tried not to laugh at the two being silly. Yurio however, didn't think it was funny and kicked them both under the table.
"Oowwww. Okay okay ill stop" yuuri said in a high pitch. Viktor you too"

"Hm-Hmm" viktor nodded while squeezing his lips together trying not to scream.

Yurio walked away to his room. There he watched otabek his flawless performance from a while ago. then he heard knocking. 
"Yurio?  Can I come in?" It was otabek.
Yurio quickly clicked on another video and told otabek he could come in.

"Just look up a video if you don't like this one, I gotta go to the bathroom." Yurio said and left.

Otabek clicked on the search bar and saw yurio's browse history.

Otabek skate
Otabek skate grand prix finals
Otabek free program

There were many different things, all with otabeks name.

He laughed.
Yurio came back in and realised what otabek was looking at.
He slammed the laptop out of his hands and gave him a mad look. It scared him.

"Holy shi-"

"Shut up"

Yurio put his laptop away and crawled in bed.

"Go sleep on the couch or something" yurio pretended to be mad while he actually just was really embarrassed. Otabek apologised and then left, what made him feel really guilty. He put off the lights and fell asleep quickly.

Otabek walked down.
He saw viktor and yuuri making out on the couch. He didn't want to interrupt them so he turned around but then got noticed.

"Hey otabek! What are you doing here?" It was yuuri.

"Oh yurio is upset with me so he said I should sleep on the couch."

"Haha he's always upset with everyone" viktor laughed.

"do you want to sleep already? We can go upstairs and watch our movie there?" Yuuri smiled.


Viktor and yuuri walked upstairs and yuuri looked upset.

"What is it my love?"viktor asked concerned about his husband.
"Do you think those two would want a house of their own? In Russia?" He answered.
"Maybe" viktor said. "Why?"
"We should adopt yurio because he isn't allowed to live on his own yet. Maybe it's stupid. I just thought..."
" but he spoils the mood. Just keep him with otabek. Oh I know! The house across the street is a lot smaller then this one and is for sale! Let's give them a house as a present!" Viktor got excited all of the sudden
"That's a great idea! " yuuri's eyes sparkled.

They both went to bed and decided to contact the owners tomorrow.

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