Chatper One

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Ok, just so y'all know, I'm also working on two other projects right now, but I've always wanted to do a KNT fanfic, so if this book is all horrible 2 AM, non revised writing, it's because I'm mostly just getting my thoughts out there, or I need to devote most of my actual thinking time to the other stories, which are my main concern right now... so basically, this is going to be a fun, silly, badly written Tedris fix!

There are sensitive topics in this! Not anything too serious, but there are many mentions of depression, anxiety, and it mentions self harm a few times. Please don't read if you are sensitive to these kinds of topics! Thank you!


"Ted! Who are you texting? Is that Nick? I thought I told you not to interact with him- he's friends with the enemy!" Chris yelped as he caught a glance of my phone screen, a conversation I was having with nick was displayed on the screen. I was on the couch, minding my own business. I thought Chris was in his room.
I looked into his warm brown eyes, similar to chocolate. They glittered maliciously, most likely thinking about the dog queen and the many ways he could assassinate her with his cat army after he had brought up the subject. Before he could see the content of the conversation going on on my phone, I swiftly clicked off the device and slid it into my pocket with a sigh.
He had always been like this- a clingy, self centered, psychotic mess... but I guess that's why we were friends. We complemented each other nicely. My depression that always seemed to be looming like a storm cloud reduced itself to a harmless white puff in a blue sky when he was around. For that, I was ever grateful. And I could ground him back to reality when his crazy mind stared to wonder away from his rationality. But recently he's been getting on my nerves. He seems to think that not interacting with the "dog-loving criminals" was forbidden, and if I so much as looked at a pair of headphones or a yellow sweatshirt, I was betraying him. I didn't want him to feel like he couldn't trust me, because that's what I always promised him- that he could trust me, but it gets to a point where I'm sacrificing my happiness and free will to keep him from thinking that "the dogs will win". I've decided to move in with Nick next week, im done with the charade I've been pulling for the last two months- sneaking out of the house in the middle of the night just to see Nick, texting in the bathroom so Chris couldn't see the conversations we had over my shoulder, making up lame excuses about "going shopping" to meet up with him somewhere, and generally having to hide my relationship with him. It was a shame, too. We usually tell each other everything- when I told him I wanted to talk to nick more, I thought he would be happy for me, but he just looked mad and betrayed.
I sigh, knowing what I have to do.

"Chris...I-I don't know how to tell you this, but..."
I start
"What? Did foofy eat all of my cat treats again? That cat! He's gonna-"
"No, it's not about foofy!" I say firmly, putting my hands out as if to say "stop talking and let me explain". He seems to get the message, and crossed him arms and pouts, probably upset about being interrupted. Usually, I would drop the subject and listen to him complain, but I needed to tell him this, no matter how hard it was for both of us

"But" I continue from where I left off "I-I think we need a break." Chris's ever present smug smile he always had on slowly wilted with his body, which seems to fold over itself, his arms uncrossing and hanging limply at his sides. His eyes were downcast, as if trying to see something in the pattern of the tiles underneath him. "I just don't feel like you're there for me anymore. I want you to be happy, but I need to think about myself too..." I trail off, doubting he's listening given the way he seems transfixed on the floor, unlike his usual approach to conversations- eyes fixed on the other persons and a huge smile imprinted onto his face, his shoulders pinned back and heels rocking back and forth with joy. To see him so different from the usual; it struck a chord in me. 'You did this' a slithering voice whispered 'you made him this way, you disgusting animal. Now get out of his life before you ruin it any more!'.
"I- I need to go" I say, and run for the door, my backpack containing basic needs to stay at someone's house- clothes, snacks, toiletries, my anxiety meds, and Jeffmelon- was slung over my back, and I opened the door, in a rush to get away from the situation. Before I could walk out the open door, though, I felt a small metal object hit the back of my head. It doesn't hurt, but it took me by surprise. I look back, trying to see where it had come from, and see Chris standing there with tears running down his face and his arm outstretched, as if he had just thrown something. I broke my gaze away from his, not wanting to see those sad-stricken eyes any longer. However, when I snapped my head down in an attempt to look away from him, I saw a necklace with a small metal "T" charm attached to it. It was the matching necklace to my "C" one, we had gotten them for each other last Christmas and almost never took them off. We didn't get them specially crafted, in fact, we got the metal from some old soda cans and attached them to some string we found in Chris's cat dumpster and made them ourselves. But that necklace wasn't just some scrap metal, it was a symbol of our friendship- it was a promise to always be there for each other, to always let the other cry on there shoulder and celebrate when the other was happy. And now, I had gone and ruined it. 'like you ruin everything else!' The voice chimed
"I'm sorry Chris" I whisper, not strong enough to say it loud enough for him to hear. I go through the door and swiftly close it behind me. I see the pouring rain and contemplate going back for an umbrella but think of what I'll have to face if I go back inside and think better if it. I crash back against the door, I'm not able to hold myself up after that. I let it all out- wailing like a baby, hoping that Chris can't hear from his side of the door. All he ever was was kind, I hadn't even told him my feelings before shutting him down like I just did! I'm a horrible person, he doesn't deserve to have the hurt I brang to him. 'You're finally getting it, dumbass' the ever present voice singsongs. I slide down the door as my sobs turn into soft hiccups, and lean my head against the door. When the tears have finally dried up after what feels like hours but was probably only a couple minutes, I shrug my backpack off and unzip the small front pouch where I put my anxiety medication. I quickly swipe it out of the bag and release the lid, taking a pill. I'm horrible with swallowing these, and usually Chris has some water and a smile to help me take them, but he isn't here now... I gulp down the pill, squeezing my eyes shut, and get it down. I put the container back in the pouch after closing it and shrug the backpack back on. I scramble to my feet and walk down Chris's front steps towards the bus stop a few blocks down. I push my hood on, trying to keep my already ruffled hair somewhat decent and protected from the rain. This hurts- bad - but hopefully it means a better life in the long run.



Thanks lovelies! Sorry for the horrible writing! Please tell me what you all think :)

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