Chapter 8

1K 39 31


Warning: very small mention of self harm

I opened my eyes, the world was still a bit fuzzy in my newly woken up state. I hadn't dreamed once last night- i was that tired. i went to stretch out my limbs, the weight of sleep still buried in them, and my arm connected with an object.

i was jolted into awareness and looked to my left to see Chris in my bed next to me, grumbling about something or other in his sleep. my face went red- sure, he sometimes crept into my room late at night and slept at the foot of my bed like a cat, but never like this. his face was towards me, his features in a rare relaxed state and i couldn't help but notice the makeup he had forgotten to take off smudged across his cheeks. besides his face, he was curled up slightly, laying on side, seeming like he was trying to keep as much distance between us as possible- for my comfort or for his, ill never know.

"t-ted mmm" Chris murmurs in his sleep, his lips pouting out like he does whenever he cant have something he wants, his arms stretching out a little more. without realizing, my eyes travel down to his lips, and i notice how pink and soft they look, like they're just waiting for me to-

No! no, no, no! Stop it ted! you idiot! hes your friend, not your lover!

i slap myself upside the head and try to look for something to distract myself. my stomach grumbles.

well, i guess i have my answer.

after a bit of trapezing over Chris's sleeping body, i somehow make it out of the bed unscathed. i look down at my clothes, they're slightly rumpled, but who cares? im not going anywhere today anyways.

I go downstairs, sharing a nod with Chris's mom as we both for ourselves coffee and go our separate ways, her to work and me to make myself some watermelon pancakes. no, they are not gross. Yes, they are made from real watermelons.

I got out all the ingredients and as i reach for a mixing bowl from the top shelf a feel a pair of arms slip around me and hands slap on the counter on wither side of me.

I quickly turn around, curious as to who this intruder is. I'm met with Chris's face, a little too close to mine for my liking, eyes droopy from sleep, only a little less bright and energetic as usual.

"uh-uhm good morning Chris. should i make you something?" i ask, trying to start the conversation he obviously wasn't going to. I can feel my face heating up rapidly

"no, but you can promise me something..." he says, batting his eyelashes a couple times, making my face impossibly hotter, which he doesn't fail to notice.

suddenly his eyes turn dark and his body stiff

"TAKE YOUR FUCKING MEDS!!" he screams, popping the top of a bottle and grabbing m jaw at the same time, and before i can protest, he shoves them down my throat. i gag for a second before he lets go and steps back, screwing the cap back on. i spit out a couple and turn to throw them out.

"what was that for..?' i ask, looking back at Chris who still looks a bit pissed, arms crossed standing in the middle of the room staring at me, while i walk to the trash and throw out the pills, swallowing the two still in my mouth.

"well, first i saw your cuts-" he starts, and i quickly shove up my sleeves, surprised to see my sliced up arms covered carefully in bandages "and then i saw you hadn-t taken a pill this morning, even though i left it on your beside table-" he continues while waving the now empty bottle in the air a couple times to emphasize his point "and now you're making breakfast without me" he finishes.

"wow. might as well send me to jail" i bicker, a smirk pulled up on my face. Were already falling back into our old ways, despite all that has happened. Right now, i dot have ti talk about anything that happened. right now, i'm safe.

"watch out!" he says with a wicked grin, hands going up, almost looking like claws. i giggle at his antics, and turn back to finish my masterpiece of a breakfast, Chris walking to a seat at the kitchen counter and plopping himself down.

"what do you want?" i question, keeping my eyes on the mixing bowl as i stirred in the ingredients.

"cat treats pancakes~!" Chris sing-songed. i rolled my eyes, smiling to myself; why did i even bother asking? At least he wasn't like Aidan, who determined to make my mornings like a living hell by asking for something to eat AFTER i was done cooking... damn twerp.

I got out the ingredients for his cat pancakes too, but we seemed to be missing a crucial one...

"hey Chris where did all the cat treats go...?" i asked, i was sure we have two whole boxes when i last saw the pantry.

"uh... Foofy was really hungry this week for some reason- i have a pack upstairs ill go grab it" he says suspiciously, but i brush it off as normal behavior for him. you never know whats going through his head.

I was ready to put the batter on the stove now, i just needed to sprinkle some cat treats into Chris's batch, but he wasn't back yet. curious about what hes doing, i pad around in my still bare feet back to the hallway where the bedrooms are. i head towards Chris's room, but before i get there i hear a small intake of breath and small sob come from the other side of the door.

"Chris? are you ok?" i ask softly, opening the door slowly. its rare that Chris cries, in fact, I've only seen it one other time- when he thought Foofy had died.

"you're gonna take him back, right? and leave me all alone again?" Chris says, his back facing towards me, his shoulders shaking. he looks like hes barely holding himself up.

"i-i don't know what you-" i start, not sure what hes taking about

"Look!! You love him, don't you?! You're going to go back there again, and there's nothing i can do!!" He screams, turning around to face me, a phone screen shoved towards my face before i can see more then Chris's red puffy eyes.

From Nick: Look, i'm really. really sorry. i understand now that what i did was wrong. please forgive me?? I love you <3

i scan the text, my eyes raking over every word.

he had apologized, right there.

suddenly the screen is ripped away from my view, Chris coming back into my line of sight. his hair is a mess- stuck up in random places like it had been pulled and clawed at, his clothes disheveled, and his face was soaked with tears, eyes red and puffy.

"if you're going to go back, just tell me now so i don't have to hurt anymore" he says.

without thinking, i tackle Chris into a tight hug, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and lightly gripping at his hair, trying to get him closer to me.

"i will never, ever leave you again Chris, i promise." i softly say into the top of chris head, and lay my cheek on top of his head. i feel his arms wrap around my waist and his body press against mine, his shoulders shaking with silent tears. and we stand there. him crying, me smiling and holding him. holding each other together, like always.



Hey guys i know this part is super badly written and shiz but i needed to get it out right away because


1K is such a big number i cant even begin to think of all those people- so thank you all so, so much!

Also, i know im probably killing you all with this low burn but thats how i like it lol

ps- can we talk about todays (v day 2017) comic for a sec? like... we all know ur not straight chris, stop pretending xP

as always, please leave a vote and comment!


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