Chapter Seven

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Warning! Mentions of cutting so if you get uncomfortable about that please don't read!

Chris POV

There were many ways that I saw my day going: perhaps I would actually go out and do something, maybe find a few stray cats, build a pillow fort, or maybe I would still be in bed crying over Ted.
What I didn't expect, however, was for a certain green haired beauty to be curled up in my bed sleeping his problems away.
After finding him in the alley, I forced him to come back to the house with me: no way was I letting him stay out here by himself in the cold. I didn't care that he left, I just want him back. I was going to make him get changed and take a shower but he went straight to my room, passing his own room completely, and flopped into my bed.
I cant say I was mad, but now I'm just sitting here staring at his dumb sleeping face and wondering how in the world we got here.
Just a few hours ago he had probably hated my guts, he probably never wanted to see me again...
And now he's here. In my bed. Sleeping.

Why is he so damn cute?

I pull my knees up to my chest, sitting on the floor near my bed with foofy pressed against my side like a little warmth pocket. I hide my blushing face with my knees even though no one could see me- Aidan was at school and my mom was out doing errands. Ever since we were little kids I think I've had a crush on him. At first it was small things like getting flustered when we stood a little close, or if we shared a drink at happy melon, but as we got older my feelings grew with us. Now I was barely resisting the urge to climb into my bed with him and smooch his face off. I shivered at the thought and huddled in closer to myself, smiling like a dork.
I looked towards my bed again and slowly walked towards it. His head was just peeking out from under the blankets where he was slightly curled up into a ball, arms outstretched almost as if he was waiting for someone to hug him
"Mm... no..." he mumbled meaningless nothings in his sleep- nothing new as I knew from years of sleepovers where I was stuck staying up late because I couldn't get to sleep with his loud ass snoring.
A thought hit me- he still had cuts on his arms, that had been untreated. He seemed in pretty bad shape when I first saw him- his eyes looked red and puffy, like he had been crying, which gave me the idea he had cut at first...
I pulled sleeves down to see five angry red new marks littered he surface of his pale arms. It wasn't the worst he had ever done- in fact, it was better then usual- but it still wasn't good.
I walked down stairs to the bathroom and got out some antiseptic and bandages and climbed back upstairs with my arms full. I dropped everything on my bedside table and screwed open the antiseptic, dunking a cotton pad into it. I've done this countless times before, mostly when he was unconscious as at any other time he would hiss at me and tell me he wants them there. That idiot.
I gently placed the pad onto the first cut closest the inside of his elbow first, making sure he doesn't wake up from the slight pinch of the antiseptic. When I heard a reciprocating snore, I decided he was still out cold. I quickly wiped up and down his arm a couple times and did the same to his other arm. I threw the cotton pad out and used the bandages to put a thin layer of padding on his arms. I sat back and looked at my work, satisfied. I padded over to his bag which he had discarded on the floor, searching inside until I found what I was looking for- a small blade, probably from a razor. I wrapped it in a cotton pad and threw it out, not wanting to see it ever again.
I also found his meds, which I placed next to the water on my desk so he would see it when he woke up.
I smiled to myself, I loved taking care of him, despite the reason for it. More then that, though, I wished he would take better care of himself so maybe one day i wouldn't have to.
I yawned and picked up foofy, even though it was only 3:00 I was exhausted from the days events and needed to take a nap. I contemplated going to the guest room, but decided to just climb in with ted- it was my bed after all and he was he one who got in it without asking permission!
A giddy smile appeared on my face as I slid in next the Ted, still far from close enough to touch, but in the same bed all the same.
I thought about waking him up just to annoy him, but soon I was out cold as well, the events from the day wearing me down into sleep.



Hey! It's snowing a bunch where I am so that means I was holed up in my house all day, and decided to write a bit!

I know this part isn't very plot driven, but I just wanted to let out boys be fluffy 😊


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