Chapter Two

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When I got on the train, I looked around for a seat and prayed I wouldn't have to sit next to a creepy old man and relaxed when i saw two free seats right next to each other in the corner, a rare sight in my dormitory town. I plop down in my seat and take out my phone from my pocket, opening up the latest conversation. I read the last few lines. Nick had texted first.
'When r u going 2 tell him that ur moving out? I know u havent told him and ur moving in in only a week!
'I know, I know, I'm just waiting for the right moment...'
'Ok... just please tell him soon'
'I will I'm sorry boo'
'It's ok honey'
I smiled, recalling the pet names we had given each other, and then a twinge of sadness when I thought about the context of the conversation, right before Chris had approached me.
'I know this is last minute, but can I stay over your house tonight?'
I quickly type out, not thinking twice about the message before hitting 'Send'. I didn't have many options, and I didn't have enough money on me to stay at a hotel. I could see if my aunt who lived a few towns away could let me stay over, but I'd rather not endure the cheek pinching and guilt trips for not visiting her sooner. a few moments later, my phone vibrates in my hand
'Sure, I'm free, but I have to leave early tomorrow for work. But what's up? Why do you need a place to crash?'
I figured he might ask that. He deserved an explanation, but if I tried to recall the story I might shed a tear or two, and that wouldn't be a good thing, considering I was on a public transport and all.
'I'll explain when I get there, long story. I'll be there in about 10'
I type out and send
'Ok see u soon xoxo'
He replies within a few seconds. He's so understanding. If I had texted Chris the same thing, he would have pestered me over text and called me several times, too impatient to wait for me to explain in person. His mood tended to swing like that, one moment he would be calm and the next he'd be jumping off the walls, not normal behavior. He never apologized for it, either, he just figured that it was fine to do that, and I never told him differently. It wasn't just the mood swings, it was also his controlling nature that drove me away. He would force me into things, make me the way he wanted, and if I didn't obey, He refused to speak to me until I begged for his forgiveness. Sure, he was there when it counted- when life hit rock bottom- but he still was never there when it didn't. Chris is like a brother to me, and I care about him, but sometimes you have to give up the toxic people in your life for your own sake. And anyways, it's not like he wouldn't be ok without me, he was always the more independent of us two, and he would be fine without me.
Then his eyes before I had closed the door on him flashed through my mind. His bright brown irises pooling with sadness and confusion, the buzz of energy that his eyes usually held going haywire, as if searching for an answer in my own cold blue ones. And then, I had shut out those eyes, by closing that door.
I shook my head, I can't think about this, not now. I swallowed back the tears that had somehow manifested despite my best efforts, and leaned my head against the window, watching the scenery zoom by in a blur, kind of like this day.


I looked around once I got to the train station, trying to spot a familiar pair of orange headphones. I went up to the tops of my toes, trying to see over the sea of people... there were many people getting home from work in the city at this hour, and the station was filled to the brim with people. I pulled out my phone after leaning against the outside window of a closed concession stand. I texted Nick, hoping he would answer right away, so I could get out of the bitter cold that had slowly been getting colder and colder every night.
'I'm at the station, are you here?' I send, hoping he didn't forget, like the time I asked Chris to pick me up at the station after a long day in the city interviewing for a few jobs (none of which I got, probably due to the bright green hair I sported which apparently wasn't "appropriate for the workplace"), but ended up waiting at the station in the snow for another 2 hours before he finally saw my texts and rushed to pick me up, only giving a muttered "sorry" for his actions.
Of course, Nick wasn't Chris, and I did receive an answer not two seconds after sending.
'Yeah, I'm waiting in the parking lot, it was mobbed and I couldn't find you'
'Be right there' I send out, and scuttle to the parking lot, finding him immediately. He spots me, and wraps me in a bear hug
"You made it! And you look so cold! Here, I got you a hot cocoa" he greeted, shoving a nice warm cup of cocoa in my hands and opening the passenger door for me with a "hop in".
You don't appreciate the little things that someone did for you until you had experienced their loss. I felt happy and safe with Nick, I knew he wouldn't suddenly turn on me, like other people I knew. As if sensing that I was thinking about something, Nick kept quiet and just wrapped his big warm hand into mine and pulling out of the parking lot, heading towards his house.


Yo yo yo! I stayed up really late last night, so you know what that means- more Tedris fanfic!

Ugh I hated writing Ted x Nick stuff, but it's necessary for the plot and blah blah blah we'll get to the Tedris stuff soon

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