Chapter Six

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Chris POV

After the initial shock of loosing my best friend, I became extremely sad, and soon after that came the anger. It bubbled up inside me and would usually find it's way out through punches to my door or random outbursts at my family members. They didn't say anything about this, though I know they heard the incessant pounding of my fist from down the hall every night and knew my outburts weren't just teenage fueled shouting about nothing.
I wasn't mad at Ted, I wasn't mad at Nick, no, I was mad at myself. How the fuck could I do that to a person? All those times I had prevented him from doing what he wanted because I considered my stupid "war" more important. I had fucked it all up, and now I can't take it back.

These thoughts and more ring through my head as I sit huddled on my bed.
I grab a pillow and slam my face into it, screaming for a couple seconds and then tightly clenching my teeth shut. I couldn't keep moping around like this, my family was bound to say something soon. I need to go somewhere, anywhere. Away from this place and away from my room. Away from the guest bedroom Ted had been staying in this year. Away from it all.

I'll go to the old alleyway.

The old alleyway- I considered it a safe haven when I was younger, it was an escape from my abusive father and school or anything else bringing me down. Me and Ted would trapeze around the place until dark, and then come home with our heads held low because we knew our parents would scold us for being out so late.

I paced out of my room and down the hall before I changed my mind. I had the mind to slip on a jacket and yell a quick "heading out!" To my mom before I was off.
I breathed in the cold, brisk air and stuffed my hands in my pockets, eyes glued to the sidewalk. My feet traced the path to the alleyway almost like they had a mind of their own. Like they were leading me to something. Like they had a mission.
Before I knew it, my feet stopped in there place, almost like a "were here" and I looked up, taking in the area.
I found what I expected- my trash can in the corner, a big fence blocking the back of the alleyways, the big brick buildings on either side, and the tire stack to the right.
What I didn't expect, however, was the heap of fabric huddled onto to tire stack, almost like Ted used to do on the days he couldn't bear to go back home to his parents fighting.
I shook the thought out of my brain- you are here to get rid of those thoughts, not make new ones!
I gave a small "hmpf!" And walked over the the heap, curious of its contents. Perhaps it was a family of cats, or a person looking for shelter from the cold, not uncommon, especially around this part of town.
I stood over the pile and poked it
"Um... anyone there? Any cats??" I said the last part with a little too much enthusiasm.
A loud snore ripped itself from the pile and sent me scattering back for a second before I realized where the noise had come from.
Definitely not cats.
I walked back up to the heap and poked it a little harder this time
"Hey, wake up, this is my place!" I said, getting a bit defensive. What right did anyone have to come in and take MY place, disregarding the fact that I hadn't been here in awhile?
There was a sharp intact of breath and a tired
"Hmm?" Which I took to mean the person had woken up.
"I SAID, this is MY PLACE. Get. Out!" I practically yelled, feeling the anger build up all over again, and forced myself to take a deep breath.
"Actually, it's my place! I've known this place for 15 years you can't just come in here and-"
The person said while sitting up.
It was Ted. The boy I had been crying over the past few nights. The boy I still loved.
"T-Ted?" I spoke tentatively, not trusting my voice to hold out.
"Chris..." Ted spoke, eyes widening, in not sure if it was in amazement, or shock. Most likely the ladder.
"W-what are you doing here?" He asked.
"I could ask you the same thing." I retorted, still frozen in place despite my casual answer, scanning his surprised face and disheveled clothing, looked like they were put on in a rush.
"Well, Nick threw me out because he saw me cutting and-"
"He WHAT?!" I yelled, overcome with anger, no longer caring that me and Ted were supposed to be fighting right now. That douche saw how much ted was hurting and straight up ignored that and kicked him out? I can't believe Ted ever saw anything in him!!!!
"Yeah, I can't either..." Ted said, looking away sheepishly. Oh, I must have said that last part out loud.
"Give me your arm" I commanded, holding my hand out.
"My arm... w-what w-"
"Just do it" I commanded. He slowly placed his arm into my hand and i promptly flipped it over, examining the cuts. They were deep, about 5, and each one worst then the last.
I had done this to him- hadn't I? I had pushed him so hard and now he's hurting himself all because I fucked up. I blinked away the tears in my eyes and looked him in the face
"I'm so sorry" I said, not being able to hold up the resolve and bursting out in tears, my arms dropping back to my sides. Almost like a automatic reaction, reds eyes filled with tears and spilled over the edge. Before I could register what was happening, I was caught up in a whirlwind of red and green, and then my nose was filled with he scent of watermelon and his arms were wrapping around my frame, bringing mine closer to his.
"Me too" he whispered into my ear.
This is where I wanted to stay, forever, in this moment with the one I loved.


A/N yo yo yo how was this chapter? I hope you guys liked it!!

I can't fricken believe I got to 700 reads like wut??

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