Chapter Four

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Chris POV (finally am i right)

At a glance, I probably looked the same as usual. But, if you payed attention, you could see the small differences. The bags under my eyes, the wrinkled clothes, the way i rejected cuddling with foofy... nothing anyone would care to notice about me, except maybe Ted, but now he was gone...

I rolled onto my stomach and shoved my face in one of the pillows on my old couch. How did it come to this? I know I can be annoying and pesky sometimes, but was that really why Ted left? Am I that horrible of a person?

I groaned in frustration, none of this made any sense. If Ted really didn't want to be friends anymore, why didn't he tell me what i was doing wrong earlier? Did he secretly like dogs? I'd be a fool if i said i never had any romantic feelings towards him, so could I have scared him away with those feelings somehow, even if i hadn't confessed them?

It was all just one big blur of questions in my head now, and i couldn't stop thinking about green hair and the smell of watermelon, and how they were gone... forever.

I felt something wet rolling down my cheek, and before I could stop it another was rolling down my face...and another...and then a few more. I was crying now, making inhuman noises and hiccuping and a darkness I had never known before enveloped me.

"YO FREAK I'M HOME!" A loud shout sounded from the front door, and then I heard the front door slam shut. Shit! Aidan was home from school. I couldn't let him see me like this, he might worry and that's the last thing I wanted  right now. I quickly whipped at my face, sat up, and tried to calm down.

" are you here?" Aidan says from the other room, probably expecting my voice to confirm i heard him like i would have any other day.

"Y-yep!" I reply quickly, flinching when my voice cracks half way through.

"Psh ok not like I cared anyways...freak" Aidan says while walking into the living room, throwing his bag onto the floor next to couch, and gave me a questioning look after looking at my face, which was probably still red, but didn't say anything. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding when Aidan slumps out of the room muttering about finishing a drawing he was working on.

I close my eyes and melt back onto the couch on my back, resting my head on my arm. Foofy comes up and curls into my side which I can't help but smile at. I can't let anyone else know that i've been so down, because I don't want to be a burden, especially with how crazy our lives are already. I just need to hold on for a few more days, i'm sure i'll be fine by then. But for now, I'll just suffer alone.

I took my arm out from under my head and hugged myself, trying to give myself some comfort, as i could really use a hug, specifically from my ex best friend, but this would do.

I felt my phone buzz in my my back pocket and slowly slid it out from my pocket, not really wanting to interact with anyone right now, but not wanting to make anyone worry if i didn't answer.

From Mom: Hi Honey! Im stopping by the supermarket on my way home from work, anything you need?

I sighed, she was too good of a mother. Raising two children on her own, and balancing a job wasn't easy, but she managed to do it.

From Me: Just some cat treats, please? I think we're running low...

We weren't very low on cat treats, but they were decreasing at a faster rate than usual, probably due to my tendency to eat more when I was stressed, but to my relief Mom hasn't mentioned it yet.

From Mom: ok, just promise not to eat them all this time, we have a cat too.

I rolled my eyes and smirked, she knew me too well

From Me: yeah, yeah, will do. Thanks xoxo

From Mom: see you soon xoxo

I clicked out of the conversation with my mom, and wasn't thinking when I raked my eyes down the screen, stopping short when my eyes landed on "Ted <3". Curiosity overtook me, and before I could stop myself, I opened our conversation, my eyes glancing over our last conversation

From Me: Ted come quick!! Im big trouble!!!!

From Ted <3: What? Whats wrong? Where are you!?

From Me: I climbed up the tree to get foofy but now i cant down! Im really scared ted please help me!!

From Ted <3: omg youre such an idiot... which tree? The big one in you backyard?

From Me: ye

From Ted <3: ok ill be there soon, you doofus

I smiled, remembering how Ted climbed up at least 50 feet to help me and foofy down, and I blushed remembering the way he had him hand tightly wrapped around my hip and how I had my face buried in the crook of his neck, not wanting to look down, the scent of watermelon wafting off of him. A shiver ran down my spine and I curled into a ball, hiding my blushing face with my knees. I don't deserve him.

No, I DIDN'T deserve him, did I?

I pulled my knees in tighter, burying my head into my knees, hating how empty the space next to me on the couch felt.



200 READS!? Thank you!!

Next, I know Ted's POV was just starting to get good, but I really wanted to slip in a Chris POV somewhere before the plot changes again.

Also, i found some super old ted and chris ref sheet/ doodles that i thought you guys might enjoy :)

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