8. Colère passionnée

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Shortly after noon, Perry had gotten up again and made breakfast for everyone. Sherman Hollis made his way up the stairs, after helping her, to rouse everyone else. Once he got to Laura's room he found the door still open.

On the large bed Carmilla was sitting upright with her back against the headboard, Laura lying down next to her. They weren't touching, Carmilla trying to give her space, except for Laura reaching out to hold Carmilla's hand in her lap as they slept. Both their faces were peaceful, the proximity of each other and the small resolution they found chasing away the nightmares and anxieties for a time.

He didn't want to wake them, but knew that they would both appreciate a hot home cooked breakfast instead of cheap hotel food or food scrounged from half destroyed and mystically infested campus buildings. Sherman knocked on the door lightly, stirring Carmilla. She took a moment to assess her surroundings, seeing Laura and their joined hands and then Sherman by the door. "There's a hot breakfast downstairs for everyone. Come down when you girls are ready." He gave her a gentle smile and left the room.

For a moment Carmilla stayed still, watching Laura and considering the events of the past few hours. She knew that it would take Laura some time before she was truly ready for physical contact. Laura clinging to her hand like she was now was likely just her anxieties acting out in a need for grounding. She was Laura's rock, just as Laura was hers.

She gently pulled one hand out of Laura's grasp, using it to push the hair out of Laura's face. "Cupcake... Hey, Cupcake wake up. It's time for breakfast." She kept her hand on her face, stroking softly to coax her awake.

She looked so content, Carmilla was hesitant to wake her, but she knew she needed to. She squeezed her hand, lifting her head gently. "Come on, Cutie. Wake up." Laura groaned and pushed Carmilla's hand away from her face with her free hand, whining, "Whaaaa...???" She smirked and started poking Laura's sides lightly. "Can't you smell it Creampuff? There's breakfast downstairs... Sausage and bacon... and blueberry chocolate pancakes... It smells so good, but you have to wake up."

At the sound of blueberry chocolate pancakes Laura sat up, smacking Carmilla's hand away from her and getting up to race downstairs. Carmilla let out a short laugh before rising from the bed herself and making her way downstairs.

She found everyone already in the kitchen, either standing or sitting at the island with plates full. Laura was stuffing her face as fast as she could with pancakes, Sherman lightly scolding her for creating a choking hazard for herself. LaFontaine and Perry had secluded themselves to one end of the island, talking in hushed tones, but obviously not fighting anymore. She grinned at the sight before grabbing herself a plate and sitting in-between Laura and Perry.

"Whaat-took oo so lonnn?" Laura mumbled out with a mouth full of pancakes. "Laura, chew and swallow first. You are going to choke if you talk with your mouthful. I shouldn't even be allowing chocolate breakfast foods; the sugar isn't good for you." Laura glared at him jokingly. "Don't give me that face. I know how much money you spend on cookies and soda." She coughed, nearly spitting out her pancakes and turning bright red. "See?"

Sherman shook his head at his daughter and turned to Carmilla who was now chowing done on some sausage. "How are you this morning Carmilla?" She took a moment to very intentionally chew and swallow her food, not wanting a Hollis scolding. "Very good, sir. Thank you. How are you?" He smiled and nodded. "I'm doing well myself, thank you. Now Laura, you could stand to learn from Carmilla and chew your food first." Laura rolled her eyes and stabbed her pancake violently, causing Carmilla to chuckle at the angry little gay.

"When you girls are finished with your breakfast come see me. We are going to take your temperatures and get you on a vitamin C regimen to prevent a cold. I don't want either of you getting pneumonia after being out in the rain yesterday with no umbrellas or galoshes." Laura groaned, looking at her father with a pout. "But Dadddd...." "No buts, sweetheart. I don't want you getting sick."

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