Serious Moment

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Alright guys, it's one of those serious moments with yours truly. It was simple really. I wanted to come onto Wattpad to be greeted with you all commenting and voting for my stories(which you all are very nice to do and Or that I thank you), but I get these comments on my 2nd art book from a username crazyweirdannoying. At first I was happy, since this one had the same interests as me in a way. After I read the comments, I felt offended in some ways. I know she was only expressing her opinion, but some words that were typed were inappropriate, she may have also called me a few things that regularly I don't usually get called for. I'll admit, I am upset, but here's the thing. I've had people steal my art(only like once but still) and say negative things on my stories. I am not the type to say things, but this was unacceptable for me to feel offended on an app that I enjoy every minute on. I'm just taking like the smallest break(like an hour) so I'll just be drawings and stuff, stay alert my little readers!

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