Drac the Vamp

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Oh where do I begin with this oc! Drac as the title says is a vampire toon who's got the hots for Kitty. He'll try his best to charm Kitty at anywhere, pick up lines, random flowers, even treats, or just flat out be kind, but either Kitty gets too flustered to talk to him, or it's hard for her to notice his actions. His personally is quite simple, a flirty, impervious, and basically gets easily jealous. Drac can be a mischief at times when he feels like he should get something he wants(doesn't really go as planned, but whatcha gonna do)?" His personally almost comes from his creator, Victor Mohamed. Victor had a secret crush on Kate, but Kate at the time was interested in Sammy, or was it Henry? Victor wasn't really sure.

The jealousy part of Drac's look is that in the game, like Boris, he's normal, but when he gets jealous, Henry needs to watch his back. With Kitty usually being around Henry it's a huge red flag to Drac. Drac will either try to kill Henry, or just try getting him caught by Bendy. Speaking of Bendy, he and Bendy are not in good terms. Bendy sees Drac as trouble to Kitty, in all honest Bendy's the type to make sure no one had interest in Kitty, not because he's interested in her, Bendy just thinks no one should have her.

Drac will literally just make remarks and say crap about Bendy, or say it right to his face. Although Bendy doesn't like Drac, he just deals with him because he sees how Kitty reacts around Drac.

 Although Bendy doesn't like Drac, he just deals with him because he sees how Kitty reacts around Drac

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