Chapter Five: How could you not tell me?

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Annabelle's Prov:

"Are you kidding me, who is going to do karaoke? No one in this town would be up for that kind of thing. No one even really sings." I said to Carter for the hundredth time it felt like. Ever since after my father left four days ago Carter has been bugging me about doing a karaoke night. And every time her brought it up, I would refuse.  I was honestly getting tired of him asking.

"Belle it would be an amazing night. I mean come on we have later hours now, teen would love to come drink and sing. It could bring in a lot of money." He explained to me.

"Come on Carter I am tired of having this conversation it isn't going to happen."

"I own half of this restaurant Annabelle, I think that entitles me to have my own ideas, and being able to run with it. It's my right." I scuffed at his words.

"A right you were given when you didn't even earn it." He rolled his eyes at my words.

"Are we really back on this subject come on Belle this is getting old. And I thought we were over this."

"Well  I guess we aren't. Now I'm going to bed, leave me alone." I said to him as I entered my room and tried to close the door on him. But I felt him push the door open and come in. "Umm excuse me this is my room."

"I am aware of that. But I am not done having this conversation with you." I scuffed at his words.

"I really don't care if you aren't, I am. So just leave." He shook his head at my words.

"Why don't you want to have a karaoke night? What the hell is wrong with having a karaoke night?" He asked gruffly, I could tell he was getting pissed.

"Carter my father my have given you half the restaurant but as it even says in the contract I am the one who has actually owned more like seventy five percent of the restaurant, so technically you only owe twenty five percent of the restaurant. Which means if I say there isn't going to be a karaoke night, then there isn't going to be one." I didn't want to have to explain why, I didn't want to have go into that horrible memory. I went to turn away from Carter but her quickly grabbed me and pulled me back to him. We were so close I could feel his breath on my face.

"I just want to know why Belle, just tell me why?" He questioned me softly. His voice made me want to tell him. He close he was and how gentle he was being mad me want to tell him. But it also caused unwanted memories to happen and I could feel myself starting to have a panic attack.

"Let go of me Carter." I spoke to him sternly.

"No not until you tell me." I could feel the room starting to get smaller and smaller. My breath became ragged and I started to take slow and fast breaths. Carter looked at me with a worried expression.

"Belle are you okay?" He questioned me as he tried to pull me closer, but all that did was make it worse.

"I said let me go." I quickly pulled away from him and started to pace while trying to calming my breath.  Trying not to think about that night.

"Bell please tell me what is wrong." He said as he stepped forward, causing me to step back.

"Just go Carter." Him being here wasn't helping me at all. If anything it was hurting me more. I just needed to be alone. I needed to be able to be gather my thoughts and calm myself down. And I couldn't do that if he was here.


"Just go." I shouted at  him cutting him off. He looked like he wanted to fight me on this. He even opened his mouth to say something. But he closed his mouth, nodded his head, and walked out of my room closing the door behind him. I sighed and immediately felt better. I walked over to my bed and sat down calming my breath.

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