Chapter 1

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we sang along to the start of forever
And after all this time
I'm still into you

Paramore ; Still Into You


If I only has one word to describe Alex, it will be STUPID. I would like to go with more specific word contains swearing etc. But I'll stick with the word STUPID. He is the most obvious definition of stupid. I can't believe I'd been his friends since the the last seven years.

" How the hell that Spongebob want to be friends with that starfish, Patrick? He's fucking stupid. " Alex suddenly said when we're sprawling across the field enjoying the morning sun.

" Well, the same goes to you. How can I be friends with you when you are so dumb and stupid? You're like my Patrick Star, Alex. You're stupid, but you're still my best friend no matter what. " I replied nonchalantly.

Alex just chuckled and we continued listening to the songs playing through his iPod. Seven years of our friendship and I can't complain anything as he's a gift for me. The one that always see a silver lining through every cloud.

It was a very sunny Saturday morning as Alex and I decided to jog around the park before we settling down to have a little picnic under our favourite spot, a big tree at the park. Alex is currently full when he suddenly asked the question about the idea of Sponge Bob befriending Patrick Star. How stupid it is?

Alexander James Strafford is a definition of true soul mate to me. I might have a crush on him since forever and I never admit it to him because I'm too afraid if my feeling will jeopardize our slightly platonic relationship. Trust me if I say that our story looks like a stupid cliché love story that started with friendship and sooner or later will end up like a fucking fairy tale. I beg to differ as it might looks like that both of us is too comfortable with our friendship right now.

The wind is blowing softly and it ease my head. Weekend is the only time that the both of us can hang out as we're busy with our works during the weekdays. Sometimes, we will have lunch or dinner together depends on our schedule. I am an editor in a well known publishing house and Alex is currently helping his father with their company. Maybe in a few years, he will be the one replacing his father position as the CEO of the conpany.

Speaking about our bizarre friendship. It may look like that we're sort of friends with benefits. Actually, we did lose both of our virginity to each other. It was a drunken night and we're both to drunk to realize anything. It was the only time we slept with each other and it make us become closer. I am very grateful for having him ad my best friend. He's been my shoulder to cry on and willing to bear with me at my good and worst time. I can't complain anything.

" Are you coming with me to the ball tonight? " Alex suddenly said.

" Sure as long as you pick me up at my house. "

" Who else going to pick you up? I'll follow you back to your house and get ready for tonight. I'll call Frank to fetch my suit and send it to your house. "

He quickly fished out his phone and call his assistant to send his suit for tonight at my house. We headed back to my house as it was noon already and the sun is starting to burn my skin.

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