Chapter 4

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Sorry 'bout it I can't help it
I'm an anarchist in love.

Pierce the Veil ; Song for Isabelle



Mother nature always have its own way to ruin your day. I'm having my period in the middle of my meeting. Thankfully, it wasn't too bad and I always have extra garments I keep in my office. I'm grateful that I rarely experience period cramp, only some unbalance emotions and excessive need of food. Its already five in the evening and I already finish a box of pepperoni pizza and I'm still hungry. Alex is still nowhere to be seen when he's supposed to fetch me from work.

After 15 minutes of waiting, his black coloured Audi R8 came into view. I'm in a quite good mood and I don't feel like I'm going to be mad at anyone. So, I just walked to his car with a smile on my face. He look at me like I've just grown two heads. His brow furrowed.

" What are you looking at? " I ask after settling myself inside his car

" Nothing. At lunch today you yelled at me because I bring the wrong pizza but now you looks like you just won a million dollars. " he asked with an amused face.

I just grinned. " I'm just happy. That's all. "

He just sighed mumbled something that sound like 'women and their mood swing' under his breath that if I'm not paying for attention, I'll never heard.

Our drive to Alex's penthouse took almost 15 minutes without traffic. We just exchange some stories about what happened today before he proposes an idea for me to join him to a conference in Tokyo next week. Well, my annual leave is still available and thankfully, there isn't much work to do at the publishing house. I should enjoy myself though. I end up agreeing to follow him to the conference. Alex grinned like a Cheshire cat upon hearing my answer. He said that he will enjoy the conference much more with me by his side. So much for sweet nothing.


When I said I rarely suffer period cramp, it is partially true because the cramp always come once in two or three months. When it comes, it'll hit your uterus like a fucking bus. It's like mother nature have its own way in telling you that there is be no baby in your womb this month and she hope to see you in two or three months later with a baby or you'll suffer your cramp again as a reminder that there's no fucking baby yet. Bloody fucking hell.

This is the time where Alex is the most useful and I'm very blessed to have him with me. He's been bearing with my cramp since the early stage of our friendship in college. He'll be the one that'll buy me two tubs of chocolate ice cream or massage my back. Rafael will be the one with the emotional support. He'll be the one that will sooth my emotional outbursts.

The perks of having your best friend as your boyfriend is he know what you always wanted during this kind of crucial time. It was two in the morning and my cramp is on rampage. I'm feeling like shit and it's hurt like hell. Alex is massaging the area under my stomach with a traditional ointment given by his maid, Aileen that contained lemongrass and other herbs that's good in soothing the pain during your period cramp. Beside that, it's also good for the blood flow. She's Asian and I heard that most traditional Asian people always use the traditional remedy in curing mild disease. Its quite cold and thankfully, it really sooth my pain.

I called in sick the next morning because I can't hardly stand and I swear that this time, it was the worst cramp I ever had in my life. I don't know why but it fucking hurts. Alex went to the office to inform his father that he'll be at home being a nurse for his girlfriend for the day and I'm here, at 8 o'clock in the morning trying to finish the second tub of chocolate ice cream. Fuck it.

Alex was home after half an hour he's gone. I was too occupied with my ice cream and hardly acknowledges his absent to he that short. He came back with donuts and mocha from the cafe I love that situated near his office. Such a boyfriend material.

" If I don't love you before, I'm sure that I'm madly in love with you now. You really know what I want right now. " I said to Alex while munching the third donut from the box.

He just chuckled and continue sipping on his coffee. I don't know this guy, but he love his coffee to be black with two cubes of sugar only. It taste like drain water but he still love it.

" Seven years with you and I will always know what you need all the time. All I need right now is a happy girlfriend. " he said smugly.

I just continued munching my donuts. Four and a half donuts safely resided inside my belly and I'm feeling like a queen right now.

" You look like a whale, A. " I can hear Rafael's voice come from the front door. I just glared at him. I'm tired and relaxing on the couch right now really ease everything.

Rafael take a seat beside Alex on the couch. I just lie on the L'shape couch and close my eyes, trying to get some sleep. The pain has lessen and I really need to nap as I didn't have enough sleep last night because of the pain. Both of them is in deep conversations about the latest version of Pagani's cars. I don't know what model and I don't intend to know. So, I just let them drowned in their conversation so that I can get my sleep.


" Wake up, A. You sleep like a log. I thought you're dead already. " Rafael said while poking my cheek with his finger.

I just groaned and shift my position to the right side of the couch so that my back is facing his face.

" Wake up, please. You need to each your lunch. " Alex said pleadingly from the kitchen.

Alex prepared me a bowl of chicken soup and iced lemon tea. Period makes me hungry and I managed to finish the food in record time of five minutes. Rafael just laugh his ass off watching me eating like a greedy monster.

Once we finished eating, Rafael and Alex decided to play Mario kart and I, on the other side decided to take a nap again. A knock on the door startled me from my nap, Rafael and Alex is still playing their games and haven't paid any attention to the knocking sound, so I am the one that supposed to see who's knocking on the door right now.

The person at the door is the last person I wanted to see today. She's just ruined my entire day.


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