Chapter 3

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'Cause I've always been a betting man
And I'm just dying for you to prove me right
I just want to know your story
Learning, so I may love you complete

Being As An Ocean ; L'exquisite Douluer



" Someone get laid last night. She's glowing like sunshine today. " Clara, my colleague in this publishing house greet me with such enthusiasm once I set foot in my office.

" No one get laid, Clara. I'm just happy. " I replied with a wide smile etch on my face.

"' You're happy everyday. But, I see you look different today. What happen? " she asked.

I just chuckled. " Well, since you ask. Alex asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes. "

" Fuck yeah! At last he had the gut to ask you. You've been together for years and if I were you, I'll be asking him to propose me already. However, congratulations hon. I'm happy for you " Clara said and embraced me in a bear hug.

" Thank you, Clara. "


Thank God that I don't have much work to do. A novel from a new author us going to be publish and I'm in charge in editing the book. So far, it was great and not to stressful. It was six in the evening and I'm already heading out of
my office. I decided to do some grocery shopping before going back to my apartment. There's a lot of things I need to buy. Alex only come to my house to cleaned up my food stock. That bastard.

Driving to the grocery store only take a couple of minutes from my office. I grab a trolley and started to make a beeline for the cereal aisle. Cereal is the most important thing that is needed in my house as both of me and Alex love to indulge ourselves in cereals no matter what time is it. We once have dinner with Fruit Loops because we just too lazy to cook and went out to a restaurant.

After almost an hour, I managed to fill up my trolley with all the necessities and ready to check out. While queuing up, my phone started ringing with Alex's name flashing on the screen. I quickly accept the call.

" Hello? "

" Honey, where are you? "

" Grocery shopping. You drained my food stock, dumbass. "

" Don't be mad. I know you still love me, Audrey. "

" I need to reconsider loving you, okay. So, what's up? " I continue to move a little bit further from the queue.

" Dinner at yours or my house? "

" Your house. I'm too damn lazy to do anything, let alone cooking for you. In going to crash there. Be there at 6. "

" Okay. My house it is. See ya. I love you. "

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