Chapter 2

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She was always the one
I'll repeat it again, the one

Pierce the Veil ; Kissing in Cars



Audrey was my everything. I admit that there's feeling for her deep in my heart and I'm too scared to confess it to her. I'm afraid that it will jeopardize our friendship. But I really need to do something about it. Sooner or later, I need to confess my feeling towards her or I'll end up losing her to another man. The thoughts of her with another man only break my heart. She's beautiful. Seven years of knowing her inside out make me realize that she's the one for me. I can imagine how we are going to spend our old days together and counting our grey hairs together. I really sound like a lovestruck teenager.

" Earth to Alexander, do you copy? " Trent remarks bring me out from my daydreams. I just glared at him and he just chuckled.

" I really need to tell Audrey that she should be expecting a marriage proposal soon. "

" Who is it? I didn't know that she's been dating someone now? " I was mad. Scratch that, I was fuming. No one deserve Audrey because she's mine and only mine.

" Hold your horses, cowboy. Of course the proposal from you. Who else daydream in a middle of meeting like a horny teenage boy? Man up, Alex. " he replied nonchalantly.

" I'm going to tell her soon. I'm just waiting for a good time. What if she reject me? " I was afraid, actually. We've known each other for years but what if my feelings towards her isn't mutual? Fuck my life.

" She known you since forever and I doubt she will dump you. Have faith, mate. "

The idea of asking her hand for marriage crossed my mind occasionally in this days. However, I'm afraid if she didn't want to marry me.

" What are you two discussing about? You seems tense, Alex. " Out of nowhere, Audrey came with her signature one dimple saccharine smile. Rafael is tailing behind her. I nearly forgot about our lunch, actually. Thank god she arrived here before Trent and I went back to our office.

" Nothing to worry about. Just talking about some proposal. " I hint her a little about our discussion just now. I can't lie to her because this woman is a lying detector. He can read me like an open book. So, it's safe if I'm telling her the truth without spilling out any important point. Trent is trying to hold his laughter.

" I better get going, my wife is waiting for me at the office. See you later. " Trent bid his goodbye after he finished his drink. At the age of 26, Trent is the first among the four of us to settle down first. He's now happily married for two years with his own personal assistant, Erina and now they're expecting their first baby together.

" Let's order our food. I'm hungry as fuck. I could eat an elephant right now. " Audrey suddenly said after Trent walk away.

" You and your hyperbole. " Rafael whined. I just laugh with her statement.

The atmosphere of this restaurant is relaxing and the food is quite delicious. We converse a little about the latest issues and Audrey continue devouring her steak like she haven't eaten since last week.

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