Chapter 3💙

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" Okay y'all let's playyy..... kiss, marry kill." Weston yelled playfully. The crowd roared knowing things were gonna get messy.

" Okay we'll start with Ariel. Your three options are Geo, Zach and Hunter." Funnily enough, all three were in the same room.

" Oh my god. Erm I'd kiss.... Hunter, marry Zach and kill Geo. Only because I don't know Geo well!" The while crowd roared and laughed loudly. Hunter smirked, Geo looked like he didn't care and Zach kept stealing glances at Ariel.

" Okay Loren. Ariel will give you your options." Weston said. I stared at Ariel biting my lip.

" Erm Blake, Zach, Geo." I think you can guess who I'm going to kill.

" Well I'd kill Geo." I didn't mean to respond so quickly but I already knew the answer.

" I'd kiss Blake, marry Zach" I shrugged. I could feel Geo staring at me but I just stared at the fans.

" Okay Loren ask Jordyn."

" Erm Mark, Brandon and Weston."

" I'd kiss Mark because yehhh, kill Brandon because don't know him much and marry Weston because he's a funny guy." Weston blew Jordan a kiss who pretended to catch it and keep it in her pocket.

" Jordyn ask Zach."

" Um Loren, Luna and Ariel" She said.

Everyone in the room knew who he was going to marry.

" Um I'd kill Luna only because I've known Loren and Ariel longer. Umm..." Everyone stared at Zach confused. We all knew he was going to say kiss me and marry Ariel. Even Ariel herself expected it.

" I'd kiss Ariel and marry Loren." He said it so quickly I nearly didn't even hear. Everyone's mouths parted at what they heard.

" Did anyone else just hear what I heard?" Tyler asked stunned like everyone else.

" Well if you heard #ZOREN then yes you heard right!!!!!!!" Weston yelled jumping up and down on stage.

Suddenly, the crown began chanting Zoren making me blush to the colour of a tomato.

" Can we please just carry on with the game?" I asked holding the microphone up so everyone heard.

And so that's what happened. We played the game for awhile when the fans started chanting truth or dare. Another risky game.

" You fans are going to be the end of us." Ariel joked.

" Okay let's start." Jordyn said.

" Weston go first. Truth or dare?" Ariel asked.

" Dare because I'm a savage." Weston said.

The fans hands shot up and Weston picked one. The dare was to lick the back of Blake's foot.

Once Weston had done the dare, he asked Tyler who chose dare too. His dare was to post something bad about Weston on twitter to start fake tea.

Then it was my turn. I knew if I picked dare it would have something to do with a boy so I chose truth.

" Do you have a crush on any of the boys on the stage right now? If so how many?" One of the fans asked.

Well I was starting to develop feelings for someone but did I want to admit it.

" Yes and there's only one guy." I said biting my lip.

Next it was Zachs turn. He chose dare, like all the other boys.

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