Chapter 5❤️

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Zach and I haven't talked for days. I mean we've talked but not talked like how we usually do.

We're drifting away from eachother and I can feel the distance getting larger and larger day by day.

I think everyone noticed the small looks we both give eachother when we think the other person isn't watching.

" Loren, you need to sort this..... awkwardness out with Zach." Mark said behind me.

" I have no clue what you are talking about." I said.

" Yes you do. Please both of you talk it out." Mark advised before standing up and walking away from me.

I wanted to sort this out with Zach just as much as my friends wanted me to but I can't build up the courage to talk to him. Besides, he's normally with Ariel so I don't feel comfortable talking to him in front of her.

I need to talk to Zach. If not for our friendship,  for our friends and fans.

I stood up and looked around for Zach. I was  currently backstage in the show. We were to begin in an hour so I had to find Zach quick.

" Hey Luna have you seen Zach?" I asked Luna who was putting makeup on.

" Zach? As in Zach Clayton?" Luna asked staring at me bewildered.

" No, Zach from Suite life of Zach and Cody. Yes Zach Clayton!" I said sarcastically.

" Yeh.... he's in his dressing room." Luna said still slightly shocked.

Can't blame her. I wasn't even looking at Zach a few hours ago nevermind desperately trying to find him.

Once I reached his changing room, I stood outside and stared at the door while breathing in slowly.

Nodding my head at myself, I pushed the door open.

I expected to find Zach doing his hair or playing on his phone. I did not expect him to be shirtless wearing nothing but jeans.

To be fair, we were all told to get dressed one hour ago so in the last hour we could test the microphones and help set up.

Zach who was looking through his suitcase and jamming to music stopped in mid air. He didn't even turn to look at me.

I forced myself to keep my eyes on the floor but I couldn't help but look up. Zach's chest has definitely grown more masculine since the last time I saw him which was last year when he was quite scrawny. Now he's gained weight which was balanced out by muscles. I'm not saying he had a six pack or anything but he still has a good sculpted body.

" Like what you see?" Zach asked making me snap out of my trance to stare embarrassingly at him.

" No!" I said exclaiming forcefully already showing that I was lying.

Zach didn't say anything except pull out a shirt in his suitcase and put it on.

" Zach I think we should talk." I rested my weight on one leg awkwardly.

" About?" His voice was cold as he noisily searched for something in his suitcase. I knew he was just trying to not look me in the eye.

" You know about what" I snapped at him. Still he continued to rummage loudly through his suitcases

" Loren you made your feelings quite clear, you can leave now." He ordered.

My bloody boiled cold at the audacity he had to tell me to leave.

" You're pathetic." I spat out before leaving and making sure to slam the door behind me.

" So I'm guessing it didn't go well?" Luna said once I arrived backstage.

" No. He kicked me out. How childish can he be?" I asked rhetorically.

" Says the girl who just stomped her foot and pouted like a 6 year old who's been told to go to school." Luna said smirking earning a slight shove from a very fuming me.

" Urgh whatever I don't even want to talk to him. If he's gonna be childish, I'll be childish too." I said before spinning on my heals and walking away from a deeply amused Luna.

- - -

" Zach, how would you describe you're friends?" One of the fans asked.

" My friends are great. They're loyal, funny, annoying, mischievous, trustworthy and they're always there for me. It's a shame that some friends are petty and get angry about the slightest of things." Zach said clearly staring at me.

I rolled my eyes and leaned back in my seat wishing for the day to be over.

" Loren how would you describe your friends?" A fan asked me.

" My friends are my family. I wouldn't be here without them. I know I can trust them to catch me when i fall and to make me feel happy. Too bad, some friends are hypocritical and say one thing to you to make you feel horrible but once they make the exact same mistake it's just human nature." I said glaring at Zach.

" Are you being serious Loren?" Zach asked finally directing his blows at me.

" Yes I'm being serious." My face remained stoic as everyone watched us wide eyed.

" Loren I already told you what i said was something I said in the spur of the moment. None of it is true. I don't know why I said it. Maybe because I recalled who you used to be but I know that you're a different person now." Zach said.

" No Zach, don't you dare blame this on the spur of the moment. Nobody forced you to say what you said. Those words came out of your mouth because they were kept somewhere in the back of your heart waiting to be spoken. I just can't believe you acted like my friend this whole time." My voice sounded strained but strong at the same time.

" Okay what I said was something that I had once thought but that was before I knew the real you. Before I became your true friend. I said all that stuff to Ariel because I needed to get rid of the burden I was carrying. I thought we were alone so you won't get hurt regardless of whatever stupid stuff came out of my mouth. I'm sorry." Zach said looking like his eyes were tearing up.

" Yeh well I was sorry too just less then two hours ago and when I went to go sort this issue out you slammed the door in my face. If you want my trust, you'll have to earn it now. Just like I did yours." With a loud intake of air, I stared at the poor bewildered fans who were trying to connect dots.

" This was so not worth missing an episode of Good Luck Charlie." Weston said shaking his head.

I couldn't agree more.

- - -

I'm so sorryyyyyy

I haven't updated in like 17367272836383 years but I'm back now and this is a fairly long chapter so I hope you like it.

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