Chapter 1: The Scream

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Chapter 1

The Scream

"Aqua! Get me some water then go to the well and bring in another gallon. Now!!!" My adopted mother screamed. Her real name is Miep, but I am forced to call her ma'am or madam. Not allowed to even call her mother. The well is right outside in a blocked out area so I can't see anything. I long to see the world, but I know that shall never happen. Once I brought in the water... "Aquamarine! There is brown spots all over the kitchen floor! Do I really need to tell you to clean it up!?" "No ma'am." "Good. Once your done, go and make me a pink ball gown. I am going out with King Oswald. When your done with the gown, get me all ready. Got it?" "Yes ma'am." And I started to clean the brown spots, (looks like rat poop) off the floor. I was almost done when I heard a scream, a desperate, help me kind of scream. I ran to the door in the direction I heard the scream and pulled tugged and I soon began to push my whole body against the door. Wouldn't budge, wouldn't move. I stopped for a minute, and I heard a big gasp for air, then a scream again. I pushed myself harder at the door, when soon I felt dizzy because of how hard I was throwing myself at the door. I banged on it, then I stopped, breathing heavily. I heard a gasp again like someone trying to fill their lungs with enough air to blow up a gigantic balloon. Another scream. I tried and tried to get outside, but madam had bolted it and locked it so many times to keep me from going outside, and it worked. Seemed like madam ether heard me or the scream, because she came walking downstairs. "What is all that screaming and banging about Aqua?" She asked. You could tell she just got out of the shower, because her hair was wrapped in a towel, and she was wearing a robe. "I was banging on the door trying to get out because someone sounded like they were dying outside." She looked at me with a stern look. "Go and make my gown. I need to get ready. We will talk about this nonsense later." "Yes ma'am" I said. I began to walk up the steps when I heard the scream, again.

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