Chapter 3: Underwater

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Chapter 3


I awoke to sunlight on my face. Never before have I seen the sun. It is beautiful. It looked like heaven to me. I looked around, trying to figure out where I am. Since I have never been outside before, I don't know where I am just by my surroundings. I looked at my arms, which were still covered with blood. So was my stomach. I couldn't tell if my stomach was bleeding, or if it was dripping from another part of my body. I was just about to get up, but I heard something. It sounded like someone moving through the trees. The rustling of the trees stopped and the next thing I saw was darkness. Pitch black darkness. I passed out.

Once I awoke, everything was blue. I saw grass like things and flowers. Then I thought I saw fish moving. I looked around. I sucked in a deep breath, and let it out. Bubbles came from a direction. Bubbles? But bubbles are under... "Shh! Don't say a word. Come with me." A figure with a blue tail came up to me. He took me to a big palace. "Yes as you thought we are underwater. I had to bring you here for two reasons. One, the only way to save you from dying is to get help here, and two, Queen Aquarina wants you." I looked at him, blankly. "Uhh, so you are a merman and there is a town full of mermaids and mermen, and even a Queen?" "Yes," He said, "There is Queen Aquarina, King Flynn, and a princess, who was stolen at birth. She was stollen by a monster, who planned to take her and use her to her advantage, and once she turned 18, she would kill her." He explained to me. "By the way, what's your name?" "Aqua." I said. "Hi Aqua, I am Adan." He said. Finally we reached the castle. "Here we are. Queen Aquarina and King Flynn will take you now. Good luck getting healed, and finding some info." He smiled and swam away. Finding info? Does he know I'm adopted? Or what does he think I am? "Hello?" I walked inside, swam inside, a room and a soft caring voice was asking if I was okay, "Are you okay?" She said. "I am Queen Aquarina and this is my husband King Flynn. What's your name?" She asked. "Aqua, Aquamarine." I said. Queen Aquarina's face turned pale. "Do you have a last name? "Yes, Grand, but I don't know my actual last name. I was adopted at my birth, so I was told by my adopted mother Miep Grand." I saw her turn to King Flynn and whisper something. He nodded and turned to me. "What did Miep tell you about your past?" He asked. "All she said was that my parents gave me up when I was born and she adopted me the minute I was born." He nodded. "What does Miep look like?" He asked. "She has black hair and silver eyes. Just like yours." I said looking at Queen Aquarina. "Aqua, the nurse will take you to get you healed, but I will have her take some blood and maybe I can find your parents. Is there anything about Miep you could tell me?" "She never let me see outside or anything. See my wounds? She did it for no reason." Both Queen Aquarina and King Flynn (their last name is Silver) nodded to each other and sent me with the nurse.

The nurse had me lay on a bed as she put some kind of liquid on my body. It stung a little, but a second later my wounds were gone. "How?" I asked her. "Magic." She said with a smile and pricked my finger. She then took me to a room and gave me a change of clothes (a dress). "Get some sleep. Queen Aquarina will wake you in the morning. Good night" She said "Thanks, good night." I said and swam over to the bed. I still have one question, how can I breathe underwater?

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