chapter 1

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Beth's POV

I'm not one of those pretty girls. I don't have long hair, I don't have the best taste in fashion but I had everything I wanted, friends, supportive family and my loyal pets. I was just waiting for the right guy to come along who would except me for who I am, someone who liked me, not just for my appearance but for what my personality is like, however I'm not that lucky. I'll be waiting a long time.

I don't believe in love at first sight but I guess I never know what could happen.

I hopped out of the shower and wrapped my light red towel around my chest whilst rubbing under my eyes to get rid of the running, so called 'waterproof', mascara I had left on over night. I opened up the white wooden door that lead to the very bare hallway, that had no carpet yet and just a plain old wobbly stair banister.

mum and dad are bickering again, probably about something silly again like getting the roof thatched again. mum wanted our house to fit in with all the other houses that were in the countryside but dad completely disagreed and wanted the house to stand out, away from all the others.

we lived on an old dirt track road, the houses were not joined and our house stood out like sore thumb with old straw left on whilst all the other houses have had new out on which looks very fresh.

I reach my room and push open the door and shut it again after me and pull on my black full length leggings and light blue and white striped buttoned up shirt. I walk over to my black chest of drawers and pull out my concealer and mascara and apply a light layer to cover my spots and my bags under my eyes.

I reach for the door handle but I am pulled away to grab my phone. I unlock it to see that i have a message from Caitlin saying 'Hey Hun, wanna go and do a bit of shopping today? xx'. How could i refuse that offer? i reply saying 'That would be great! anything to get away from mum and dad bickering about get the roof re-thatched! xx'. I gently slip my phone and purse containing my Christmas money into my black over the shoulder bag but then have to pull my phone back out again to read the reply from Caitlin 'I will pick you up in 15 minutes xx'. I slip my phone back into my bag and carry it downstairs with me.

"Beth, is that you?" I hear my mum say as soon as i reach the last step of the stairs.

"Yeah, what you want?" I reply, stepping into the lounge onto the soft cream carpet and looking at my mum in the eyes whilst she sits on the edge of the dark purple triple sofa with dad next to her facing me.

"Do you think we should get our roof thatched again?" I knew she would ask me for my opinion.

I sigh and reply "Yeah, why not?"

"Brilliant, well Pete, its settled then, we are getting the roof re-thatched." She smiles and winks at me.

I walk out and go into the also cream kitchen and stroke Barnie whilst i'm at it. I hear foot steps behind me and turn around instantly.

"Why did you go and agree with her?" My dad says whilst turning the kettle on "Cuppa?"

"No thanks. I just thought we needed something new." I walk over to the bread bin and pull out a slice of white bread and smear a thick layer of nutella on top. My dad sighs and abandons the kettle so i sit at the table on my phone and eating my bread whilst he walks down the hallway

"BETH!" My dad yells down the hallway and my mum shushes him "Caitlins here!" Clearly ignoring my mums shush. I force down my bread and jog to the door passing the lounge that holds my mum on the phone to the thatcher company saying our address in her 'phone voice'.

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