chapter 62

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Beth's POV

The plane journey is painful. Multiple times I have to force the tears back until Joe turns to me and says "Let some out, you can't hold back your emotions". I nod and blink slower, allowing them to roll down my cheeks but soon they become uncontrollable and I start to sob. He takes me by the back of my head and pulls me into his shoulder where I carry on crying. The time after that goes very slow especially as it take me a while to stop crying. After that, I end up slowly falling asleep in his arms for the rest of the flight.

Next thing I know, Joe is saying my name in a quiet whisper while gently rocking me awake.

"Beth, come on, wake up. We've landed love" He lightly coos causing me to stir and open my eyes, sitting up in my seat.

I walk out of the plane with sore red eyes, a runny nose and Joe's arm draped around my shoulders. To be honest the only thing making me look exceptional or public ready is my jumper. I'm just hoping that there are no subscribers in the airport because that would be tragic.

As we keep walking towards the luggage collection, I keep my head down, watching mine and Joe's feet moving. His arm feels like a protective shield and I honestly feel much less vulnerable. I lean my head on his shoulder and almost instantly I begin to panic again about Caitlin causing me to slow to a stop. I almost begin to fall to my knees but Joe catches me just in time by gripping  under my armpits and then pulls me into a hug which is relieving. When he lets go, he clenches my hand, kisses me on the forehead then we begin walking again towards the conveyor belt that holds many people's luggage.

"You stay here and look out for our luggage, I'm just going over to the payphone  to tell our taxi that we've arrived, okay?" He says then kisses me on the lips and begins to walk away after I nod in reply.

As I place my bag next to Joe's which I collected just a second ago, he is on his way back so I make sure my hand luggage is secure on my shoulder then proceed to meet Joe with both of our bags in tow.

* * *

From the airport we go straight to the hospital so while we are in the taxi I lay my head on Joe's lap and try my hardest to sleep a bit more which successfully I do. When I wake, I lift my head up to see that Joe is also asleep with his head resting on the window. I sit up straight next to him and plug my headphones into my phone, playing my music loud but not loud enough for Joe to hear next to me. I stay awake for the rest of the journey as for Joe that is a completely different story. I allow him to sleep, even if I was beginning to worry about Caitlin. He's been too busy wrapped up with me than actually looking after himself.

As we begin to pull into the hospital car park, I gently wake him up with a kiss on the forehead and saying lightly "get up lazy bum". He laughs as he opens his eyes, lighting up his whole face.

I reach into my bag and pull out my purse ready to pay the taxi man. Joe puts his hand on my forearm that is holding the purse, giving me the look that says 'put it away'

"Please, it's the least I could do" I say proceeding to pull money out. He sighs and begins to get out of the car, allowing me to carry on. "Keep the change" I say to the driver as I pass him the money then get out of the car, walking round to the boot to find Joe with both bags next to him walking towards the entrance of the hospital.

At the main reception I leave Joe to talk to the woman behind the desk. She eventually tells us where to go and we start making our way up to Caitlin's ward.

Joe's POV

when we turn the corner into the ward, Beth starts running before I can even catch a glimpse of Caitlin but as I follow I see Jack sat asleep next to Caitlin who has many tubes surrounding her as she also sleeps.

"Jack?" I say quietly as I tap his shoulder, waking him up.

"Oh my god you're back. How was it?" He asks after he rubs his eyes and stretches.

Before I can reply to him a nurse walks up to the end of the bed and looks over the bed to see how shocked Beth looks by the tubes.

"They look worse than they are, I promise" she says.

After that she gives us an update on Caitlin's health mentioning that she had broken a leg from the crash and also internal bleeding that she had successfully had sorted out last night in surgery.

"So she's going to be okay?" Beth asks, seeming anxious.

"Yeah she just needs to not put any strain on her stomach so sleep is the best thing for her at the moment but she should be able to go home tomorrow but I'm not promising anything." She smiles at all of us and leaves.

A flood of relief washes over Beth's face until she finally reaches a smile. I walk over to her and pull her into a hug, closing my arms tightly around her back and resting my head on top of her's.

The rest of the day is filled with sitting by Caitlin's bed watching her sleep, slowly getting into conversation and taking it in turns to get the coffee and food. As the evening encloses we all get hungrier by the second and hospital food isn't doing us much good so I suggest that we go out for meal to catch up which at first Beth doesn't seem to like but Jack was absolutely fine with it.

We sit in silence, dismissing the idea until Beth comes out of the blue and says "Okay fine we can go out for dinner but we come straight back here, okay?".

Jack and I both nod, I take Beth's hand in mine then we leave.

We walk down the street for about 5 minutes before we find a Bella Italia so we decide to go in.

When we sit down Beth and I start telling Jack all about VidCon. Well, the part we got to do then Jack gives us an update on his mum. She is almost fully healed but is still very fragile.

"I'm so sorry. First your mum now Caitlin" I say which now I completely regret but all he does is take a deep breath.

"It's great to now that everything's going to be okay right though?" Beth asks after she takes a sip from her glass.

"Yeah I guess. Things could be worst" Jack replies as the waitress brings over our food and places them in front of us.


Sorry I've been away for so long! Like really I actually am disgusted in myself so to make it up to you I've decided to make a snapchat that I can post random crap on and I won't be judged by my school friends so if you're interested then add me: beth.2022

also sorry for this being a short chapter but I wanted to get it up as soon as possible before I loose my motivation again.

Please don't forget to follow me on tumblr and instagram :)

sleep well or have a great day and I love you all <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2015 ⏰

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