chapter 61

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Beth's POV

When I turn my head towards Joe shouting my name whilst running from behind the curtain, I know something has happened. He places his hands on both of my shoulders when he finally reaches me "we need to go" he grabs my hand and begins pulling me away from my fans who all stand in a long queue waiting to meet me "I'm really sorry to have to take Beth away from you" he shouts back at them just as he starts to pull back the curtain to let me through.

"Whats happened?" I say trying to catch my breath.

He takes both of my hands in his, takes a deep breath and releases the 7 words that break me "Caitlin has been in a car crash".

Slowly I start to feel my body shutting down and my knees becoming weak, so weak that the fall from beneath me until they meet the floor. From then I don't register any of my movements, a part from Joe lifting me into his arms. Then the next thing I know, I'm sat on our bed in our hotel room, staring at the wall in front of me.

My head unfreezes when I see Joe walking passed me so I follow him with my eyes, watching him frantically folding clothes un-neatly and packing them into suitcases. He grunts then moves over to the desk, grabs his phone, taps something in the screen then raises it up to his ear. He notices me looking over at him then kneels in front of me, places his free hand on top of mine then looks up into my eyes. I try as hard as I can to force a smile but my muscles do nothing so sit at the edge of the bed staring into Joe's blue eyes, the ones that I looked into when he stopped my fall back at his house a couple of months ago, the ones I looked into every morning when I woke up next to him in the spare room, the ones I will honestly never get sick of looking into.

As soon as there is a voice coming through on the other end of the line, he stands up, kisses my head then begins to talk into the phone. His words sound like jumbled up letters in my mind so i give up trying to listen to what he is saying so I turn my attention back to the wall above the desk.

As I take a breath, a tear begins to fall from my eye, down my cheek until it eventually falls onto my leggings.

The next thing I register is the sound of the buzzer on the door then Zoe kneeling in front of me on the floor. I look down at her even though my vision is blury from the tears buildng up in my eyes and try to talk but a lump in the back of my throat stops me. She walks away then the next time I see her she is holding out a glass of water for me. I take it, the glass shaking in my hand, then lightly take a sip. It reduces the lump but it still remains. What I really need to do is either cough or cry. I chose to cough because if I begin to cry (1) I won't be able to stop and (2) I will be making wailing noises and making a fool of myself. 

After I clear my throat, Zoe hauls me up from the bed and wraps her arms around me. This is what I needed. Someone to hold me securely and for me to realise everything will be ok. I just wish these thoughts stayed with me after she let me go, instead they were replaced by the threat that Caitliin could most likely die. Her injuries could be so bad but they could just be one broken bone and the only way I can find out is if I get to that hospital as soon as. 

Quickly I wipe away the almost dried tears then jog to the wardrobe, taking out handfuls of clothes at a time and thowing them onto the floor behind me. I then close the wardrobe and pick up some of the clothes, taking them over to where Joe stands. He is frantically un-neatly folding each piece of clothing I give him and laying them on top of the clothes he has already packed. There isn't a lot of clothes to pack but we only brought medium sized bags so we have to make sure we don't overflow.

As I'm walking back to the floor to get more clothes, I notice Joe's laptop is open on a page full of information. As I begin reading it becomes clear that the words signify order information for a flight into London Heathrow.

"The plane leaves at quarter to 3 so we won't get to the hospital until about 9 but we will be there for her, don't worry" Joe says, pausing from packing. By the time I turn to face him, he is already next to me with Zoe in the background carrying on packing. He lightly kisses me on the lips before returning to the suitcases on the bed.


Sorry this chapter is short and has taken so long to get to you but as I am taking a while to update I thought I would leave this one short.

Sorry for leaving this a while :) 

Hope you guys are still enjoying and I hope you are having/had a great day :)

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