chapter 4

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Beth's POV

"thanks for today, it was great!" I say as we drive along the bumpy road towards my house. the front seat has been taken by Matty and I am wedged inbetween Daisy and Jake in the back.

"no prob babe! anytime. you wanna stay round mine tonight with Daisy?" Caitlin asked.

"umm. sure why not," I reply as Daisy looks at me and smiles "wait here whilst I get some clothes"

Jake lets me out and I run towards my front door, pulling my keys from my bag.

"hey mum, I'm sleeping round Caitlin's tonight" I say, stood in the lounge door way.

"ok hun, the thatchers are coming tomorrow. what time do you think you are coming home?"

"12 ish 'cos I have to be at work at half 1" I yell whilst running up the stairs and chucking my woollen jumper, my high waisted jeans and some PJ's into a bag.

when I reach the car Daisy gets out to let me back in the middle as I am the smallest out of the lot. Caitlin drives off to drop Jake and Matty at jake's house. just before Matty and Jake leave the car Matty kisses Caitlin on the cheek but on the other hand Jake and Daisy snog eachother's faces off. once they have gone Daisy moves into the front and i'm left on my own.

we arrive at Caitlin's house which is large and very modern with bricks and white windows. I help Daisy and Caitlin unload their many bags from the boot which they had to stuff in because of the amount of things they brought while I just brought a new top from Primark. we take all the bags into Caitlin's multi-coloured bedroom and dump them on her bed. we decide to try all the clothes on so we sort the bags into 3 piles: mine, Daisy's and Caitlin's. mine only consists of 1 bag so I try it on first in Caitlin's walk in wardrobe.

I walk out of her wardrobe and they nod their heads and smile so I decide to keep it on.

I sit on Caitlin's bed and watch the girls parade in and out of the wardrobe. I nod and smile at every single item of clothing they put on although some of the stuff I don't really like.

later on that evening we sit watching a film. well, I am the only one watching it because Caitlin and Daisy are on their phones obviously texting Matty and Jake. I can tell this because they are constantly giggling and showing each other their texts. wow, I feel left out of this boyfriend lark.

"guys, I've got work tomorrow so i'm gonna head up to bed," I say while pretending to yawn. I get no answer so I repeat myself and walk up the stairs. I push open Caitlin's door and I nearly jump out of my skin.

"hey Beth," the dark shadow says.

"Ollie?" turning the light on to reveal Ollie's blonde hair that covers his eyebrows. Ollie is Caitlin's twin brother who is just 1 minute older than her. his chestnut eyes stare into mine as I slowly walk into the room "why are you in here?"

"waiting for you, Beth," he says in an eerie voice and stands up to walk towards me so I step back avoiding his gaze.

"w-what do you mean, waiting for me?" I stammer, pushing him away from me. Ollie is very good looking but he is the type that I would never date. he tries to wrap his arms around me but I push him off "Ollie stop! leave me alone!"

"now, why would I do that? eh Beth?"

he walks back towards me and puts his arms around my neck coming closer and closer. he purses his lips together and presses them against mine. I try to resist but he is too strong. it all happens to quickly. the next thing I know is that he is on the floor holding his cheek, rocking back and forward, making a whiney sound. he gets up and runs out. did I just punch Oliver, the hottest guy I know? why would i do that?

i pull out the spare bed from under Caitlin's bed and lay a duvet and pillow on top that was left out by Caitlin's mum at the the end of her bed.

i pull on my PJ's and get into the bed wrapping the duvet tightly around me. quickly i doze of into a dreamless sleep.

that thatcher (Joe Sugg/ ThatcherJoe fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now