The jock who saved me

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  (Get ready for a high school au. As youd suspect, Ethan's the cute gay nerd trying to win the affections of Tyler, your average strong and silent jock.)

Everyday was the same for Ethan, get dressed, skip breakfast, go to school, come home, sleep, repeat. The only thing that makes this tedious pattern the least bit enjoyable is Tyler. You see, Ethan is an incredibly gay nerd and hes been crushing on Tyler since he started high school. But the thing is, hes not certain if hes gay or not, so he keeps his feelings to himself. Today, hes continuing with his daily pattern. Though as soon as he got to school, he was confronted by three bigger jocks. "Hey, fag!" One of the jocks snarled at him. "Sorry for being rude, but could you move? Unlike you filthy brutes, I have somewhere to be." Ethan said as he tried to squeeze through the small crowd of muscles, only to get shoved to the ground. "Little fags like you need to learn respect." The leader said as he pulled out a bat.

Ethan closed his eyes tightly, preparing himself for the endless amounts of pain... But it didnt come. What DID come, was Tyler. When Ethan opened his eyes, he found one of the jocks passed out on the ground and the other two were completely missing. "AND STAY AWAY FROM HIM!" Tyler yelled after them and turned his attention to Ethan. "Hey, you alright little guy?" Ethan looked up at him, shocked that he would waste his time on a nerd like him. "Ummm... Ethan, right? Did they hurt you?" Ethan suddenly snapped out of his thoughts and shook his head. "No, im fine. Thank you." He said calmly as he stood up. "Honestly, I don't get why beefy fuckers like them have to pick on the small and defenseless. No offense." "None taken." Ethan chuckled. "Anyways, I gotta get to class. See ya." Tyler said as he walked away.

*Time skip brought to you by an angsty blueberry*

When Ethan got home, the first thing he did was plop onto his bed. He dug into his pocket for his phone, but also found a strange piece of paper along with it. He took it out and smiled, seeing that it was Tylers phone number. He quickly put it in his phone and started texting him.

(A/N This is the first time I did the whole text format thing, so imma just experiment with it and see what works)

Little guy: hey! Its the gay blueberry!

Ty-Ty <3: hey little guy! Hows life?

Little guy: hehe its alright i guess... im really tired though...

> i didnt get a whole lot of sleep

Ty-Ty <3: aww you should take a nap or somethin

> hey can i ask you something?

Little guy: thats what im planning on doing ya big goof! XD

> yea whats up?

Ty-Ty <3: do you have a boyfriend?

Little guy: no. Why?

Ty-Ty <3: do you want one? <3

Ethan sat there in shock. He never expected Tyler to just come out as gay to him of all the people in the world, much less ask him out. He hesitantly replied.

Little guy: of course! <3 <3 <3

Ty-Ty <3: cool :3 now get some sleep you crazy blueberry!

Little guy: whatever mom XD talk to ya later. Luv u bae

Ty-Ty <3: love you too, Ethan.

(Im not really proud of this one. Sorry guys)

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