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It was about midnight when Ethan woke up from his seemingly deep sleep. He couldnt sleep, his mind was too focused on several things. He turned around and started poking his partner, Tyler, in the face. "Ty. Wake up." Tyler grumbled and turned on his opposite side. "Ty, I need to talk to you!" Ethan shook him awake, causing him to moan and sit up. "Whats wrong, baby? You had a nightmare?" Ethan shook his head and looked up at his lover. "I just have a lot of things on my mind... And... I want to talk to you about them..." Suddenly, he felt a pair of strong arms wrap around him. "Aww its alright. You can talk to me about anything." Ethan nodded and looked down. "Im just wondering... Why don't jedis turn off their opponents lightsabers by force pressing the button?" Tyler suddenly let go of Ethan and layed back down. "Go to sleep." "But Tyyyyyyyyyyleeeeeeeeeer! These are important questions!" "I do not give a single fuck. Im too tired for this shit." Ethan ignored his boyfriend and continued his strange questions. "Do pancakes get motion sickness when they're flipped?" Tyler groaned into his pillow, trying his hardest to sleep over his little blueberry's deep thoughts. "Why do dicks look so weird? And now that I think about it... Vaginas look really weird too..." Tyler couldn't take it anymore. He reached into the bedside table on his side of the bed and pulled out sleeping pills. He took one out and handed it to Ethan. "Here. Eat it." Ethan looked at it with confusion. "What is it?" "Its candy. Itll help you sleep." He looked down at Tylers outstretched hand until grinning. "No! I dont want your drugs!" Ethan giggled and started gently bouncing on the bed. Suddenly he was tackled and pinned to the bed by Tyler. "Take the fucking pill, Ethan!" "NO!" "Alright then, you asked for it!" Ethan looked up at the bigger man with a confused look before he suddenly started uncontrollably laughing. "T-T-T-T-TYYYYYYLEEEEEER! S-STOP!!!" He said in between his laughter. "Im not stopping until you take the damn pill!" "NO!" Tyler stopped for a second. Ethan made the mistake of thinking that he gave up. He felt his shirt being pulled up, revealing his stomach. "TYLER NO!" Ethan yelled, but it was too late. Tyler had better access of all his sensitive spots, making Ethan laugh even harder. "ALRIGHT FINE! I'LL TAKE THE FUCKING PILL! JUST STOP ALREADY!" Tyler stopped and handed Ethan the sleeping pill. He took it and swallowed it, laying back on the bed afterwards. "Good boy. Now it should work in a couple minutes, so be patient, ok?" Tyler jokingly ruffled his hair and layed down next to the smol blue boy. Ethan let out a small "Mmkay" and eventually, they both fell asleep in each others arms.

(If you read this again very carefully, you could almost hear Mark screaming at them to shut up in the other room XD I had fun writing this one. I think it might my favorite so far. I mean, aus are nice and all, but the real fluff comes from normal Ty-Ty and smol blueberry child.)

Tythan oneshots!!!!!!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum