Everythings alright

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  (WHAT IS UP MY KRAAAAAAANKY KITTIES?!?!?!?!?!?! Im back! And holy hell am I glad to finally be able to update again. Anyways, today im celabrating 100 VOTES!!! HOLY SHIT!!!! Thats way more than I was expecting! Tbh I thought everyone would hate my shitfics XD BUT ANYWAYS! As a handsome reward, I have listened to your cries and pleas and I made a decision. I WILL WRITE THE THIRD AND FINAL PART OF MY WOLF/BUNNY AU!!!!! I hope its good enough for you guys :3 seriously after I made you guys wait for so long, all of you deserve this.)

*Tylers pov*

I keep pushing Ethan away from me, but he refuses to leave. "Ethan, please. I dont have much time left. You need to forget me. You need to live your life!" He scowls at me as tears run down his face. "I dont want to live my life without you! You're everything I never knew I wanted! Please, just stay alive for me... I dont want to lose you..." tears flow down down his face as he struggles on his words. "I... I d-dont want to be alone again." My heart broke. I want to comfort him so badly... But... I dont want him to love me anymore. I want him to move on, find someone else thats not cruel and heartless like my kind. I close my eyes, letting one last tear fall. All of a sudden, I feel a pair of lips against mine. I open my eyes and saw Ethan making the biggest mistake. But nonetheless, I keep the kiss going. Lord knows its gonna be the last good thing i'll ever feel. He suddenly pulled away and we stood there, not making a sound. Then I heard rustling. And now I know exactly what I have to do for him.

*Ethans pov*

Oh god oh no oh god oh nOOHGODOHNOHEFOUNDMEIMGONNADIEAVIRGIN! Before I know it, I start hyperventilating. Hes here. Oh god, hes here. I watch as his dark figure grows. "WHY CANT YOU JUST LEAVE US ALONE?! What are you even getting out of this?!" I yell as more tears fall down my face. I suddenly found myself being lifted into someones arms. I look up and saw that it was Tyler. "Hold on tight, rabbit." I do as he told and he dashes off with me in his protective hold. I hear him following us, but we managed to lose him after a while and take shelter in the nearest cave. "We should be safe for now. At least until Fischbach uses the scent of my blood to track us." Tyler says as he gently sets me down. He sits and lies against the cave wall and I scoot next to him. "You really need to rest, Tyler. I'll tend to your wounds. Just relax, ok?"

*Tylers pov*

Relax... Thats a joke. How does he expect me to relax when everything wants to kill us? Despite everything, I did as he told. Im too tired for all this anyways, so I might as well try to forget everything. I close my eyes once again and pay attention to the soft, gentle feeling of Ethan. Just... Ethan. I dont care what he does to me, I love it. All of it. Suddenly, the feeling stops and is replaced with something new. I can feel Ethan rubbing circles into my back, and I can hear him humming the same lullaby i'd sing to him every night when everyone else was asleep. My lullaby.

Rest your head beneath the starlight
And place your trust in me
May the moon be your guide
On this night of tranquility
My young, my sweet, my glistening moon
May your dreams come to life on this night

Rest your head as I hold you so tight
To ensure that no one disturbs you
All the things that once brought you fright
Have faded under the moon
Now rest, my dear, here in my embrace
I shall keep you safe on this night

Hush my dear, it will be ok
Nothing will go wrong if im here
Rest until the light of day
Assures you that im still near
So safe, so soft, this warmth that we share
It shall protect us on this night

I was crying by the time he finished. At this point, nothing matters anymore. Im safe, im ok, I have Ethan. My beautiful Ethan. He already fell asleep, so I stood there, watching for that disgusting monster. I look back at him for a moment. Hes so soft and gentle with the purest, yet strangest, blue fur ive ever seen. Id love to have him, not as a pet, but as a mate. I slowly let myself fall asleep next to my beloved blue bunny.

*In the morning*

When I woke up I couldnt find my blue bunny. I was freaking out until I found him outside the cave, eating berries. "Morning, Tyler! I found some some breakfast!" He says as he shoves more berries in his mouth. I sit down and eat a couple of berries with him. "Ethan, I need to tell you something... Something you might not agree with." Ethan looks at me with confusion and a hint of fear in his eyes. "I would like to keep you as a mate, not as a pet." He was shocked, to say the least. 'I-is that even a thing alphas can DO? Is that possible?" "Well im not really an alpha anymore. Heck, im not even part of a pack anymore, so the normal rules dont apply to me. If I want to fuck a rabbit, no ones gonna stop me." Suddenly, he was on top of me, smashing his lips into mine. After our sloppy, but passionate kiss he pulled back and whispered in my ear. "Well why dont we get to it? Ive been horny for a while now." And then we fucked. It was nice, but his asshole was really tight soooooooo... Not that enjoyable for me. And then we lived happily ever after and all that disney fairytale bullshit.

(You thought there was gonna be an overly-detailed smut scene, didja? So yeah, kinda anticlimactic but its the best I can do in such a short amount of time. Oh and by the by, here are some answers to the possible questions you might have for me:

1. Yes, I did write that lullaby myself. I thought it would be better than looking up some ancient one in a completely different language.

2. Yes, I will do a cover of it if people want it really seriously badly.

3. No, it will not have instrumentals. Im not good at the whole "Music" thing.

But yea, thanks for reading and all that junk and THANK YOU FOR 100 VOTES!!! Seriously, you guys are amazing! Luv ya! Bye kitties~!)  

Tythan oneshots!!!!!!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang