Taking a small break

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Hey guys! Kitty here. I just want you guys to know that I might not be able to write a oneshot everyday like I promised, due to stress, writers block, school, and therapy for my "Suicidal thoughts". Im sorry Im not able to do this for you guys, but please remember that im just an unstable moody teenager. Anyways, im gonna at least TRY to write some more oneshots during my break, so heres some things to look forward to:

-An "Alice in Wonderland" au (I've been stuck on this one since it got requested. Its been so long since ive seen Alice in Wonderland and im scared that i'll get something wrong. Plus, I dont really know how to force Tythan in there. I was thinking something like "Ethan is Alice and Tyler is Cheshire Cat" but I dont know if thats gonna work. I dunno. What do you guys think?

-Mermaid au (Ethans a mermaid that got turned in a human and has a love for cute and fluffy socks, so Tyler buys him socks almost everyday and its so cute and fluffy and I reAALLY WANT THIS WRRITTEN)

-Fluff fic (Ethan gets a nightmare and Tylers all like "Hush, child. I shall be here to protect you from the homophobes" and Ethans all like "Yey. Thank you, magnificent gay person" and it sounds cuter in my head.)

-Date at the amusement park au (Exactly what it sounds like)

Im sorry I cant get these out on time, but im gonna try and put myself on a schedule, like put one story up every Friday or something like that I dunno. Thank you for reading this, it means so much to me :3 Bye kitties~!!!

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