The Alphas Pet Bunny

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  (This ones part of an au I made up. To put it simply, Tyler is half wolf and Ethan is half bunny. I love doing au's I hope they get requested more in the future <3 <3 <3)

*Ethans pov*

I have no idea how long I've been running. My feet are starting to get sore and my lungs feel like they're on fire, but I ignore the pain and let my fear carry me away from the oncoming hoard of wolves. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my foot and trip over it. I look over at what I tripped on and I saw that it was some sort of strange metal trap. I've seen bears and other creatures get caught in them, but I have no idea what they're called or where they even come from. But that doesn't matter, what matters right now is that my foots bleeding and the wolves are going to use the scent of my blood to track me. I have to get out of here. Now. I quickly grab at the trap and try to break it, but it stayed shut. The sound of paws pounding against the ground are getting louder. Its over. I'm gonna be eaten. I close my eyes, lay back, and accept my fate.

*Tylers pov*

I followed the scent of blood to our target, the blue bunny. Hes trapped and bleeding out of his foot. He seems to be fully aware of what has to happen, his eyes are closed but hes still breathing. I wish we didn't have to live like this. Every time I have to kill for food, whether its for myself or for my pack, it burns me on the inside. I value every life I take, even the ones that threaten my life. I walk over to him and he opens his eyes, looking at me with tears forming. I unsheathe my claws and he closes his eyes, tilting his head back so I can have better access to his neck. My attention is brought back to the trap on his foot. It should be easy for me to snap it in half. And that's exactly what I do. Once I get the trap off his foot, he looks at me as if I was insane. "A life like yours isn't worth wasting. I'm taking you with me. Alive." before he has a chance to respond, I lift him into my arms and carry him back to my pack.

Once we get there, the rest of my pack members stare at the small blue bunny in my arms. I growl at them, forcefully grabbing their attention. "Don't you even think about it! This rabbit is mine and I refuse to eat him!" I bark at them and they nod in response. "And not a single one of you is going to touch him." I say as I slowly inch myself towards the absolute worst wolf in the pack, a short runt with pitch black hair. "Got it, Fischbach?" He nods, shooting a glare at me, earning himself a claw in the face."DON'T YOU SASS ME, RUNT!" Suddenly, the small bunny was shivering in my arms. I forgot he was bleeding from is foot, so I quickly went out to take care of that.

After about five minutes of running, we reached our destination. A small pond in an abandoned area. No, its not poisonous or anything like that. Its just that this very specific area got a bit overpopulated, thanks to the rabbits, and all the food ran out. So we just use it for when we need water and stuff. I quickly clean the small rabbits wound and wrap it with a giant leaf I found on the way over here. Afterwards, I sat down and pulled him onto my lap. "Now I want you to listen very closely, small one. My name is Tyler. As you can probably guess, I am the alpha of my pack. Now that we got introductions out of the way, lets get to why I kept you alive. You see, i'm not very fond of death. Shocking, isn't it? When I was about to kill you, something inside me refused to let it happen. Then I remembered that there is a way I can keep you alive, but its kind of immoral and you have no say in the matter, which is why it took me this long to finally do it. In order to keep you alive, I have to take you in as my pet. Only alphas can do this, which is also why I didn't start kidnapping bunnies ages ago. I wasn't always an alpha, you know. You kind of have to earn that title. Now, onto the most important detail, setting something straight." I forcefully grab the back of his head and push his face closer to mine. I stare directly into his eyes, effectively intimidating him. "You belong to me, and no one else. From now on I will be in charge of every move you make, every meal you eat, and you will stay by my side until the day of my death. If you disobey any of my orders, I will be forced to feed you to my worthless pack of runts. Do you understand me?" I said in a low, intimidating voice.

*Ethans pov*

I look at him with fear in my eyes. Of the all the people in this forest this could happen to, why me? I hesitantly nod my head. "Speak, rabbit." Tyler snarled at me. "Y-yes, Tyler." I painfully force the words out, pleasing the scary wolf man. His frown turned into a soft smile. "Good. Now lets get you home." He said softly as he lifted me in his arms again. I would complain, but my foot isnt really in the best condition right now. Plus, I kinda like it when he holds me. Hes so warm and gentle most of the time. Once we got "home", the first thing Tyler did was lay me down and make sure I was comfortable. "Stay here. And don't make even the slightest movement until I get back." He said before running off. While hes gone, I start thinking about the bright side of my situation. As long as hes with me, I wont have to worry about anything.

Maybe my entire life was a dream, and I was really living with Tyler the whole time?

(AND THATS IT! Sorry this one came so late. Writers block and shit. Im actually kinda ok with this one. Sure, theres some bad moments here and there, but overall I think its the best one I wrote so far. I dunno, what do you guys think? Btw, let me know if theres a one shot you guys want me to continue, cause if theres anything ive learned from actually reading fanfics, its that things suck when they have to end.)

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