Important! Read!

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A couple chapters ago I made a Author's Note because I'd been receiving many "Please Update" request, I said that I update every 3 days and have repeatedly stated this is the comments.
I don't wanna be mean and only update once a week but when I'm rushed every other day to update or even the day after I update,
it really gets on my nerves.
I'm not gonna call anyone out because I understand that you're just excited for a new chapter but you have to understand.
I understand and don't mind when someone says
"This is so good, Can't wait for the next update!" Or something like that but
"Omgg Updateee Pleaseee!"
Is just... Ugh.

Writing chapters isn't easy.
Especially when you have a whole bunch of homework, family to tend to, friends to look after, and responsibilities.
I hold myself to a certain standard that I refuse to fall below when I write these chapters.
When you rush me to "update" I rush on chapters and feel bad when they don't come out right.
And I write for fun.

Writing is a hobby.
It shouldn't stress me out so please don't make it.
I try to please you, myself, and everyone else in my life.

I understand that you'd like me to update everyday and if I could I would! But that's not the way it works.

I love you all very much and hope that you understand.

Their Little Girl, Bella Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin