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I've decided to take the No More Bullying challenge and will tag 4 people's.
This is only supposed to be 90 words but is over 200...

The Internet.
Bullies are found everywhere.
This is not okay.
Every 7 minutes someone is being bullied,
Only 4% of intervention comes from Adults,
11% from friends,
And the rest?

That 85% is left to the words and fist of their predator.

A couple years back in Middle school, I was in 7th grade.
I was going to the office to pick up some paperwork when I heard crying.

In the bathroom there was a boy shaking.
I had to call him out and ask what happened.
He asked the art teacher to go to the guidence counselor because his anxiety was getting to much for him.
On his way there, he was chased into the bathroom and punched in the stomach.
I'd never been so shocked.

I helped him stand up and tried soothing him and asked him questions about himself and if he was okay.

I took him to the nurse and basically had to beg the counselor to send him home.

I went home and cried that night.
I was a victim of bullying many years ago in 3rd grade.
But only once had they physically harmed me.

And because I was safe I forgot what it was like.
That day I was reminded how horrible people could be.
I was so mad.
I couldn't believe, that at my school this would happen.
My school was a very diverse school.

There were Asians, Islanders, Indians, White, Hispanic, Black, and everything in-between!
Muslims, Christians, Jews, Catholics, Buddhist, Hindus, and many others.
There were Gay, Bi, and Lesbian people walking around holding hands like nothing.

So I couldn't understand why someone would mess with him.
I only saw him one more time after that.
He was walking with a friend and I walked over to him and tapped his shoulder.
He turned around and his eyes widened when he saw me.
But then, the biggest smile appeared and he hugged me.
That was one of the best moments of my life.
His name was Jacob.
Brown hair, brown eyes, tall, skinny, dimples, and freckles.

I never saw him again.
But I knew I made a difference.
So you should too.


I challenge you four to

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